I picked up my first flowers of the fall season when I was at the grocery store the other day. It is sad to no longer be able to just go out in the yard, woods or garden and find something pretty, but I love having an inexpensive bouquet to brighten my day. There are such pretty seasonal choices to choose from and fresh flowers are my indulgence :-)

My book club meets next week and I am hosting! There is a lot to do, but the timing is great, because I am getting my home ready for Thanksgiving at the same time. I did finish the book choice for the month and thought it was a fascinating read. Secret Daughter: A Novel by Shilpi Somaya Gowda tells the story of the adoption of Asha, a Indian baby, to an American couple - an Indian father and a white mother. In alternating chapters, the author traces Asha's life in America - her struggle with being a minority, despite her seemingly charmed life, as the privileged daughter of doctors and the life of her birth parents, living in the slums of Mumbai. Her journey, as a college student, to India for the first time, shows the traditions, sights and sounds of modern day India, through her eyes.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is back and finally a housewives series I am interested in again. I really think this is still the best one and truest to the intention of showing off the ladie's glamorous lives. From what I have read, there is much drama to come and the friendships change throughout the season. Bring on the drama, with a little class :-)
My reveal of my kitchen update should be up next week, finally. We are hanging the window treatment this weekend and that is the final piece. I love it and can't wait to show it all.
My diabetes is something I live with and don't talk about too much, but boy did I have a bad day yesterday. For no apparent reason, my blood sugar went low and even though I treated it and it went back to normal, I experienced something called a hypo hangover. That pretty much had me down for the count for the rest of the day and my to do list didn't get checked off. I'll be busy catching up today - no time to be sick right now.
Happy Thursday!
Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts