About Me

Married to my college sweetheart 30 + years! 2 daughters Melissa (24) and Megan (28) Recently downsized and moved from Michigan to the Gulf Coast of Florida. Learning to embrace this new stage of life :)  I write about my new life in Florida, thoughts on parenting adult daughters and living a healthy life with Type 2 Diabetes. I would love for you to follow my blog and let me know what you think <3


  1. Your girls are beautiful. You're very blessed to have two wonderful children. Found you through the blog walk...nice to meet you!


  2. Hi Vicki! Hopped over from the blog party and am your newest follower. Although we have probably a good 15 years in between our ages (just guessing?!?!), my mother has type 2 diabetes also. Your daughters are gorgeous and love the blog. Happy VDay!

  3. Hi Vicki! I found you today through It's Overflowing, the baked oatmeal looks amazing! Your blog title intrigued me, so I started clicking around your blog...very sweet! I am a type 1 diabetic, so I'll be watching for more recipes! Newest follwer! April Hoff housebyhoff.blogspot.com

  4. I found your blog through Confessions of a Suburban Mom and am excited to follow it! I'm an empty nester too and learning how to deal with this new stage of life. It's a totally different experience!
    Happy Blogging!

  5. Hi Vicki, I'm Karen and I found you through bloglovin. I have two twenty something sons, both married, and that makes my childhood sweetheart/husband and I empty nesters, officially :). My passion is to make this stage of life the best ever, as best as I can. I look forward to following your life in your empty nest from mine, Into My Window | the good life in the empty nest.

  6. Hi Vicki, found you through Our Old Homestead then A Spoonful of Everything. I am an empty nester too and I have two gorgeous daughters who are 19 (Brianna) and 22 (Kirby) who live 400 kms away in Adelaide, South Australia. We are so proud of them - Kirby has finished her Marketing degree and has a full time job in Media and Brianna is in her 2nd year of Nursing (and will do Midwifery after).

    I look forward to visiting your blog!

    Cheers - Joolz xx

  7. Hi Vicki! So nice to meet you and I honestly don't know what took me so long to find you! Stopping by from Brenda's and as an empty neater I'm always interested in meeting like minded bloggers in the same boat. Like you, I'm making the most of this time in my life and enjoying every minute.

  8. New follower. Came over from Katie's. New Empty Nester. Our girls are 23 and almost 20! Looking forward to following along.

  9. Hi Vicki! I just found your blog...I too am an empty nester, but with the added blessing of 5 grandchildren and two more on the way. The season you are in was a difficult one for me but one of my favorite after I got used to it. Then the years when the kids married and we were all adults was a fun one too! They are all good! Love your blog!

  10. My blog is www.houseonoakstreet.com. I'd love to have you visit!

  11. Hi Vicki. I'm happy to find another Mi blogger! I have 2 kids as well, one just graduated HS and the other ready to start his school years as he will be attending kinder this year, lol..I keep telling myself he will keep me forever young..or increase my gray hairs. I blog at http://justdipitinchocolate.blogspot.com/ in case you want to visit sometime. I found you via Life on Lakeshore Drive party! Following you now on Bloglovin, Pinterest and GFC,

  12. Hi Vicki! Just popped over from the blog hop at HouseHoneys! It's always fun to find other bloggers that in the same phase of life! Your blog is wonderful and it's great to meet you!~~Angela

  13. Hi, I found you from a link on "I Spy Saturday" at the Shabby Creek Cottage. Sounds like we have a few things in common. I have a 22 year old daughter and a 20 year old son. Both are in college, my daughter lives in Dallas and my son goes to LSU in Baton Rouge. Seems like they were just starting school and look at me now...trying to adjust to this thing called EMPTY NEST! Enjoyed visiting your blog, pinned the dog biscuits on Pinterest...I am addicted! Have a wonderful day!

  14. Hello! I found your blog at http://lifeawayfromtheofficechair.blogspot.com/ and the empty nest caught my eye. Funny that we both have Megan's about the same age. I'm new to the blogging world - you can find me at http://livingadisneylife.com where I'm empty nesting with pixie dust. I'd love to have you stop in for a visit. Lisa

  15. Hi Vicki,
    I found you through Carol @ An Oasis in the Desert. I too am an empty nester, going on fourteen years now, and am married to a Type 2 diabetic. Adding you to my following list! Have a great day!
    Val @ artsybuildinglady.blogspot.ca

  16. Hi Vicki, I found you through Katie/the preppy empty nester. I have an empty nest, as well and just starting to get my feet wet in the blogging world. I'm at http://monogramsandmarthamoments.blogspot.com
    Look forward to reading more on your blog.

  17. Hi Vicki - I love your blog! I've been reading all through your archives to get more of you LOL. I have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes but have been able to control it through diet. My AC1 was a 5.9 but I got it down to a 5.7. I have two dd's age 20 (Ashley) and (Megan) too! age 18 They go to the University of Idaho and are also part of a sorority - Delta Gamma - We are empty nesters starting this year and so when I typed in empty nester for a search in my feedly - up popped your blog. We also go to the Boise State University football games every fall. They are quite the production. So I feel like I have a lot of things in common with you! I do work - 10-5 everyday and work with my husband. I love your blog for the recipes, BOOKS, game day recipes, TV series, movies and holiday inspiration and calme life you have and your life sound so cozy. Thanks for your inspiration and can't wait to read more. I am almost done reading your archives so I'll be sad. :( But I've starred alot of your posts so I can go back and either cook or read or watch something you've recommended. Sounds like diabetics would do well on the Paleo diet? have you heard of that? Ok, thanks again! Jennifer in Boise, Idaho

  18. We both have "Melissa's" about the same age! Love your glittery birdhouse decoration!

  19. Hi Vicki - Welcome, I'm so glad you became a follower of my blog. I guess I'm an empty nester too, but never thought about myself that way until a friend said that to me. Our boy is at Ithaca and is twenty, we miss him, but like to visit as it's a beautiful area on the Finger Lakes. Christy - Lilbitbrit

  20. I see you have a Spartan and a Wolverine. I gather you're in Michigan. I'm also an empty nester with two Past Spartans and a Wolverine professor DIL. Life's never dull now that we also have a couple of mini Spartans. While you were lounging at Lake Huron, we enjoyed the heck out of Lake Michigan. Anxious to catch up on your blog as I just found you.

  21. Hi Vicki-- just found your site and was excited to find someone normal going through the same things I am and will be. I have a 24 year old son and a 12 year old daughter. I always say "God gave me my daughter last for a reason. He knew I would quit if I had her first." What a difference in the two. I am a new blogger and wanted you to check out my little site. oldbutnotdeadyet.com


  22. Just found your blog! Sent you an email!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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