
Email Vicki

I am happy to answer your questions :-)


  1. Found your blog today - love it! I have two daughters also - 22 years old and 17 years old. My 17 year old is a senior and going to college in the fall. My 22 year old is in and out and working at a bar. We also live in Michigan! I really enjoyed reading through some of your posts and just wanted to say hi!!

  2. I have a few good reads for you anything by Victoria Laurie love her pyschic eye mysteries the character is a pyschic who solves murder mysteries with the help of her F.B.I. boyfriend check it out.

  3. would like the instructions for the scones

  4. I just found your blog today through a random pin on Pinterest and I love it! I just want more please! I'd like to be able to pin individual posts to Pinterest and share recipes on Facebook. I'd definitely love to find your recipe for peanut butter cheerio dog treats. I'm really excited that you have a homepage in the works! I'm a 40ish former nanny and SAHM wanna-be about to fill my house with teens and tweens and pets etc. I look forward to benefitting from your years of hosting experience and your eye for delicious recipes in beautiful presentations! Best wishes for your daughter's upcoming wedding and life in general!

    1. Can't see an email for you, so I hope you check back and see this. The best way to find recipie posts on my blog is to either use the search box or follow me on Pinterest and find the recipe on a board. I usually pin my recipes. Thanks so much for your kind words and for reading :-)


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I always answer comments via email, but if your settings don't allow that, your reply will be here. (So come back to see my reply or check the box for follow up comments)

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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