Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Things I Love


Happy Valentine's Day!

On my sidebar is a list of things I love. These are things that help define who I am and also help define my point of view on this blog. I am participating in a Valentine's blog party at A Rural Journal today and thought it would be fun to talk about this list in more detail, to let those visiting for the first time, as well as any newer readers, get to know me better. And, what better time than Valentine's Day to talk about what I love.

family - I love my husband and my daughters. My husband and I are college sweethearts and just celebrated our 30th anniversary.

books - I always have a book to read. Recently, I started reading on my iPad and love it! I like all types of books, but mysteries are my favorite.

gardening - Planting and caring for flowers in the summer, is my favorite way to relax and relieve stress. I love all types of perenials and want to learn to identify more by name.

simple DIY projects - I don't have patience for elaborate projects. I like simple and quick, because for me, I love the result, more than the process.

golf - I have been golfing since I was young and love it. The past few years, I haven't played as much as I would like, but I plan on changing that this summer.

detroit and MSU sports - I have always been a sports fan. Going to watch the Spartans, the Red Wings or the Tigers is my favorite thing to do. Put me on a college campus in the fall for tailgating and I am happy as can be.

up north michigan - One of my favorite places on earth. I have so many wonderful memories of sunsets on Lake Michigan, skiing, boating and campfires on the beach.

walking with my dog - My daily walk with my dog is the favorite part of my day.

pedicures with my daughters - We love to go together, pick out pretty polish and just relax.

trying new recipes - Finding just the right recipe for an occasion, makes cooking fun.

musicals - I love the old standards like Oklahoma, but my favorite is Wicked, which I have seen 3 times. Since seeing the movie version of Le Miz, I must see it on stage.

reality tv - My guilty pleasure. I love the Real Housewives and all their drama.

martinis - I love to order a Cosmo when I go out. I also love to try new martini recipes at home.

pinterest - The best way to get inspired. I love the creativity.

Have a great day today!




  1. You had me at "empty nest" although it seems we have a lot in common - except for the golf, maybe - but I hope to learn that someday, too. I'm visiting from a BMB and am looking forward to floor owing along on your empty nest adventures!

  2. SO many loves are the same for me:) Happy Valentine's Day dear Vicki! HUGS!

  3. Hello ... I wandered in from the Boost My Blog Party. I am also an empty nester so your blog name sounded like home. I recently gained a sewing room when my daughter moved on to her new independent young adult life. I love my new sewing space, although I miss My Girl. I fill much of my empty nest time sewing and making quilts. I also enjoy blogging and Pinterest. Thanks for sharing. Have a Happy Heart Day ... :) Pat

  4. Very nice "get to know me" post, Vicki -- and such a pretty blog.

    Thanks for joining us at the BMB party!

  5. Love all the tidbits. I always enjoy getting to know who I Follow and not just their decorating or cooking.

    I have a Michigan post coming soon which I know is weird considering I live in Oregon. It's a St. Vinney's meets fate post. :)

  6. I love all the things you love...Have a wonderful Valentine's Day....

  7. hey, i hopped over from Boost-My-Blog Party! nice to meet ya. have a great <3 Day!! big hugs. i love your blog - so bright & cheerful. i will go & look around a bit ... take care. ( :

  8. What a great list of things you love!

    Thanks for participating in the Boost My Blog party today :-)

  9. I am visiting from Boost My Blog today. Your Blog title caught my eye because I am also learning how to live with an "empty" nest. ~Blessings on you and your beautiful blog full of love and favorite things.

  10. Oh I have seen Wicked too it is amazing I cried and I now love the Wicked Witch:)
    Happy Valentines Day. Visiting from Valentine Blog Hop. B

  11. Totally with you on the MSU love! I cannot wait to take my boys up there!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  12. I'm with you on crafting; love the results but I'm far too impatient for an elaborate process. Happy Heart Day!

  13. Happy Valentine's Day Vicki! You have a lovely blog! That was a nice introduction.

    visiting from the Valentine's Day Blog Party

  14. Happy Valentines Day, does it count to make you that wish when the day is almost over?

    I loved learning about you and of what you love . . . Walking MY dog is at the top of my LOVE and day . . .

  15. Nice to know more about you Vicki
    the pedicures sound great

    Have a good weekend

    x Fiona

  16. I have a great mystery for you: Night Keeper by April Nunn Coker (me!). It is available in ebook on Amazon!

  17. Just getting around to visiting for the Valentine Blog Party. Better late than never, I hope. I love your blog and have added it to my Google Reader. I'm also following on Pinterest and Twitter (@mrschupa). We share several areas of interest - gardening, crafting, books, musicals . . . and a 30 year marriage. Lovely to meet you.


Thanks for reading!
Comments are my favorite, so I can get to know you :-)

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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