Showing posts with label puppy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

An Active Monday






It's a lifestyle at this point. Yes, being active is good for my health, but it has become something I love. I love the way I feel and I love exploring new places.

Mondays are my yoga days, right here in my neighborhood. I only have to walk the three blocks to the clubhouse, yoga mat in hand and I'm ready to begin. We are a small, but committed group (I'm the one with the green mat) and the instructor is really good. I really feel it, in all my muscles, usually the next day. We do a lot of core work and I believe it is so important for someone my age to stay strong and flexible. I'm slowly, but surely, building up my time on planks. I also go to yoga on the beach, but that is really more about the beautiful location, than getting much benefit from the practice.

It was such a beautiful night, still warm and breezy, so I grabbed my puppy, jumped in the car and drove the short distance to the beach. We walked on a path around a small lake on one side and the gulf on the other, shimmering in the pre sunset light. So peaceful.

A good day for both body and mind.

Happy Tuesday!


Friday, August 25, 2017







Noticing: My puppy seems to have adjusted to life in Florida just fine. She doesn't seem bothered by all the changes and in fact seems to love the freedom of the lanai where she can feel like she is outside. The heat has been an issue with our walking, but I have learned to keep the walks to early morning or evening when the sun is less intense and she is fine. She had the run of the backyard at our Michigan house and loved chasing squirrels, but is not allowed in the back here at all due to alligators in the pond that is quite close. No squirrels, but she has discovered that sand cranes are fun to bark at when they walk by.

Watching: Broadchurch season 3 on BBC America. I usually catch this series on Netflix, but discovered it showing this summer and quickly caught up with on demand. This is the final season and I am enjoying it very much, especially my favorite, DI Ellie Miller. The actress who plays her is so talented and she really shines in these episodes dealing with a sexual assault.

Reading: I just started the new Sue Grafton book, Y Is For Yesterday. Welcome back Kinsey!

Feeling: Going to yoga regularly has got me feeling strong. I feel more flexible too and intend to keep it up. Life in Florida, with the older crowd, gives you a lot of incentive to keep active and it really is amazing to see those twenty five years older than me, biking, running, playing golf and tennis and living the Florida lifestyle.

Excited about: My Daughter's wedding! After we picked the venue and the church there was kind of a pause on decisions, but things are starting to happen. The bridesmaids are asked, the save the dates are ordered and in October, I will be joining Megan for a wedding dress shopping weekend. Can I keep from crying? Doubt it!

Looking forward to: A trip to Michigan this weekend! I fly out on Saturday for a visit with Melissa, my parents, my sister and my friends. I'll write all about it when I get back, but is really going to feel great to see everyone and feel like I still have one foot in Michigan, even though I am so far away.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, July 14, 2017

New Places to Walk






Walking is definitely different in Florida. I have needed to make some adjustments, but all in all, it has been fun discovering new places. Usually I walk in my neighborhood, because I like seeing all the houses, landscaping and seeing the new construction that changes daily. I'm hoping it is also a good way to meet new people. In Michigan, I usually tried to walk between 5 and 6 pm and it was rarely too hot at that time. Here, I need to wait until closer to 8 pm and it usually is quite comfortable. The sun sets earlier here, on the east coast of the USA, so that's pretty close to sunset and I'm always mindful of finishing my walk before dark to avoid any unwelcome surprises from alligators.

While I prefer to walk in the evening, rather than the morning (it's better for my blood sugar), today I drove to downtown Venice and took a lovely walk from downtown to the beach. There is a shaded path that runs through the middle of a boulevard and shade is definitely my friend here, even fairly early in the morning. The gulf was beautiful and even though dogs aren't allowed on the beach, my puppy and I sat on a bench in the pavilion for a few minutes and enjoyed the shade and the view.

There is another walking path I will try soon, but need to get there fairly early since it follows the intercostal waterway and there is no shade at all. I'm hoping to spot a few dolphins on that walk.

It's all very different than my former walking paths through the woods, but new sights are always interesting. As long as I have water, a hat and most importantly my favorite walking buddy, my walks will be part of my new life here.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Greetings From Florida






This post is coming to you from Florida and I couldn't be happier. Of course, I miss Michigan, my daughters, all my friends and everything familiar and I will always be a Midwestern girl at heart, but there is something about Florida that is stealing my heart too.

We have been busy, but have made time for some fun too. We tried the dog beach and my puppy hated it with a burning passion, but will try again when the surf is a little calmer. We have enjoyed lunch sitting outside as much as possible and in spite of the heat, with shade and ceiling fans going, it really quite comfortable. Today we went to a beachside restaurant and with a strong gulf wind blowing and the waves crashing, it was really a wonderful and relaxing way to spend the afternoon.

Yesterday was spent furniture shopping and we found some great things. We will have a neutral base with added color; turquoise, greens and blues. It was a bold choice for this northern girl, but my kitchen bar stools are a pretty blue-green shade and I love everything about them in my all white kitchen. We close on Friday and new furniture deliveries start coming that same day. Unfortunately, the moving compsny gave us a delivery date later than we hoped and since we need to move out of our rental, we will be camping out in the new house one or two nights. We could move into a hotel, but frankly, just want to be finally at home. Luckily, a new king size bed is one of the things we purchased here.

I'll keep you posted when I can.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Walking in the Leaves





Am I ever happy I took a long walk earlier this week, since we are now dealing with the remnants of the southern tropical storm. I am always amazed that the wind and rain we receive sometimes has its roots from so far away and can reach this far north, but such is nature. We are just past our peak of color, with leaves starting to fall like crazy, but it is still very pretty. The wind and rain will scatter and bring down much of what is left on the trees and all this fall beauty will be just a memory.





As you know, I try to walk every day that I can. It is a good routine to have and it gets me out, so even on days I may not feel like it, I am always very glad I did, once out walking. As I walk along the paths; and especially this time of year, with so much beauty to see, any worries melt away and the sound of leaves crunching under my feet becomes the only thing I am aware of. It's almost meditative and exactly what I need on many days.



Cooper, my favorite walking buddy, is always happy to go as far as I want to and on this walk, we experienced every bit of autumn beauty that we could find. We go where the paths take us and enjoy the feeling of being far away from civilization, even though we are in the middle of a neighborhood. It's all about perspective and being in tune with what is around you. The sights, the smells and the constant way that nature changes. It's good for the soul.

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style


Friday, June 19, 2015

Two on Friday





I try to walk with my dog Cooper every day. She loves it and since I am a diabetic, the daily exercise is good for me. When asked if I go to the gym, like my husband does religiously, I always reply that walking is something I really enjoy, it's something I know I will do and that is the best kind of exercise. Plus, we have these fabulous walking trails all over my neighborhood. The trail in the photos above is actually right behind my house and in the summer and especially after all the rain we have been having, it is thick with greenery. It feels as if you are deep in a secret woods, but are really only steps from civilization. This is one of several different paths and routes I can take, so each time I walk, the scenery is a little different. I'm very lucky.



Did you watch The Astronaut's Wives Club last night? After loving the book by the same name and being completely fascinated by this era, I was very much anticipating this television series. Its focus is the space race in the early 1960's and the wives of the Mercury astronauts and their portrayal by Life magazine. They are being described as the first reality stars of their time and I think that is an interesting observation. They were regular military wives, thrust into the spotlight of television, magazine covers and meeting President Kennedy. They coped by forming a tight knit group and helped each other raise their families in Houston, while their husbands were making history. The 1960's fashions are so fabulous to see and there are an abundance of jello molds at their backyard parties. It's a fun summer series.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, March 20, 2015

Finding Spring




Finally, the paths in my neighborhood are clear from snow and my walking routes are back to normal. My puppy and I went on our longest walk in months, yesterday, and it felt so good. My intention was to look for signs of spring, as I was walking through the woods and wetlands, but maybe I was a little optimistic. While we long for some green to finally appear, and the calendar officially says it is spring, it is just a few weeks too early.



But, it still feels good to be outside, with only a fleece jacket instead of my usual winter hat, gloves and heavy coat. The grass is visible and even though it is not green yet, it is a welcome sight. My puppy is thrilled to have so much more to explore.

Here in the north, even the slightest bit of warmth gives us hope. We celebrate the snow melting, days in the 50's and finally putting away our winter coats. Our days of buds on the trees and green grass are within reach and we all feel a little lighter in spirit. Looking for and finding signs of spring are finally possible and I couldn't be happier that winter is gone for good.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, October 31, 2014

Getting Ready for Halloween Night




We are getting ready for the trick or treaters here. The orange lights are strung around a tree next to my front porch and a spooky witch hangs, waiting to scare those brave enough to be out in the dark. The past two days have been spent making pile after pile of leaves for the initial clean up, but there are many more bags to fill before fall ends. Trees are wonderful to have around until they overwhelm our yard, every fall. My husband does a little, I do a little and our teenage yard boy does a little and slowly, but surely they get picked up. My puppy was not thrilled with this photo op, but such is the life of a dog with a blogger in the family :-)



I did a trial run last night of the Halloween cocktail I will be sipping while handing out candy to the trick or treaters and it is a good one. This year I will be enjoying a Caramel Apple Martini, perfect for any fall occasion that calls for a festive cocktail. The caramel vodka is really good and I will be looking for more drink recipes that use it.

To make this yummy martini, simply add 2 ounces of caramel vodka, 2 ounces of apple cider and 1 ounce of Buttershot liqueur to a martini shaker, filled with ice. Shake well and pour into a martini glass rimmed with cinnamon sugar. To get the cinnamon sugar to stick to the glass, rub a little apple cider around the rim. Enjoy!

Have a wonderful Halloween weekend!


Friday, July 25, 2014

An Afternoon Walk




It was the kind of afternoon that you just have to take advantage of every summer. The kind of weather that doesn't come around often in July, but was that perfect blend of blue skies, puffy white clouds and mild temperatures. The perfect day for venturing out from my usual path and taking a walk by the river.



This path by the river runs very close and changes scenery as you follow along. There is grass along the edges in spots and then beautiful flowers will begin to appear.



The further you venture along the path, away from the crowds, the more wild looking the river becomes. Would you believe this is all found just minutes from a bustling downtown?



My puppy, the best walking buddy around, was brave enough this time, to walk right to the edge of the shore and take a sip of the crystal, clear water.

Walking is therapeutic for me; both physically and mentally. I walk every day, rain or shine and am lucky to have beautiful trails in my neighborhood that do give me variety. But, sometimes, jumping in the car and exploring new sights on a beautiful summer afternoon can be just what the doctor ordered :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, February 28, 2014

Cabin Fever




The last day in February and another day with below zero temperatures and snow in the forecast. This is when the cabin fever begins to set in. I don't mind being home, in fact, winter can be cozy, sitting in front of the fire with a hot drink or a glass of wine, while the elements rage outside. It's just that we have had too many of those days for it to be fun anymore. I at least need to be able to get out and walk my dog and there have been too many days this winter where that wasn't even possible. Too much ice and just too cold.

So what's a girl to do? Besides being extremely patient that in March we will see some temperatures that will finally melt our deep snow cover, there are a few things I can do to keep my cabin fever at bay.

First even though we still have snow in the forecast, my snowmen and let it snow decor will be put away today, for a more springlike feel. I made a trip to Homegoods recently, used a gift card I had from Christmas and bought some things to change my mantel decor. All the items that have been packed away since the fall will make a reappearance. I think of it as my regular decor and it just feels less cluttered.

Speaking of clutter, it is time to start moving out the clutter that has accumulated over the year. Lent starts next week and I will be doing the 40 bags in 40 days challenge again. After last year's challenge I know how this clears my home, as well as my mind.

Finally, if I can't be in the warm weather, I can still dream about it. I'll keep making my gardening plans, keep following my Detroit Tigers photos of palm trees at spring training and enjoy all the signs of spring in other blog posts. Your pictures of daffodils already blooming, give me hope that under all this snow, spring really does await.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday...cold, cocoa, etc.



It's hard to think of anything else when the weather is so bitter cold and the snow is so deep. We are having a real old fashioned winter and even my puppy doesn't quite know what to make of it. She likes snow, but when it is deeper that her body, she pretty much sticks to the path I have shoveled for her. It is going to be a long winter :-)

What did we do before owning a Keurig? Ours is being put to use, all day long, when a simple hot drink in a favorite mug can warm you up and make you feel so cozy. We make coffee, tea and lately our favorite is cocoa. It is just perfect for these cold winter days and done in just a few seconds. I love my Keurig!

I really enjoyed the season 4 premiere of Downton Abbey. There has been some Internet talk that it was boring and depressing, but I think it was a perfect start to portray how the whole household was dealing with Matthew's death. It is the little things I love about Downton - the daily life, both upstairs and downstairs. I think all the storylines of the season were set up well and there is a lot of drama to look forward to. Especially Lady Edith's ill fated romance and Lady Mary's inevitable clashes with her father over the running of the abbey.

The Bachelor is back and it looks to be an entertaining season. I could not watch it without the spoilers - it is so much more interesting when you know the outcome. Here's a funny recap that makes me laugh every week. There should be a lot to laugh at this season :-)

Happy Thursday!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits



I have done my fair share of helping my daughters with projects over the years. I have been room mom, brownie leader and booster club president. You would think those days would be in the past, now that college is in the picture, but when they are involved and busy, you still pitch in when you can.

Melissa is in charge of the Pompon Alumni/Parent Tailgate at MSU this Saturday and thought it would be cute to give homemade dog biscuits to the dogs, brought along. Since she lives in a college house and has no rolling pin or other baking supplies, I offered to make them - and it was fun!

The biscuits are made just like cookies and the dough was very easy to work with. My puppy tried a few and loved them. I have never made homemade dog biscuits before, but they are so healthy with such simple ingredients, I would definitely make them again.

The final step was to put them in individual bags, tied with Spartan green - ready to pass out to all the dogs who attend the tailgate.


Recipe for Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

Beat 2 eggs with hand mixer until fluffy. Add 3/4 cup pumpkin purée and 3 T peanut butter until mixed well. Add 2 1/2 cups flour. Separate dough in half and roll 1/2 on well floured surface. Cut with a cookie cutter (I used a dog bone shape) and place shapes on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Bake 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Repeat with other 1/2 of dough.

Happy Wednesday and Happy Birthday to my hubby - you are the best!


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Lil Luna

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A Stroll Thru Life

House of Rose

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Savvy Southern Style

Handy Man Crafty Woman

The Charm of Home

Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson

Serenity Now

Funky Junk Interiors

Between Naps on the Porch

Alderberry Hill

The Dedicated House

Cozy Little House

a bowl full of lemons

Kathe with an E

Life on Lakeshore Drive

Craftberry Bush

Live Laugh Rowe

A Delightsome Life

Cedar Hill Ranch

Skip To My Lou

The Shabby Creek Cottage

Rooted in Thyme

The Girl Creative

The Tablescaper

Jennifer Rizzo

DIY by Design

Common Ground

Coastal Charm

Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...books, empty nest, etc.




  • Whenever there is change, it takes me a while to get back in my groove. I am still feeling a bit melancholy over my daughter going back to college and the end of a fun summer. I am finding happiness in the little day to day things around me and will feel my usual contentment soon enough. This empty nest life is hard to get used to, as your children come and go.


  • I have been enjoying my daily walks with my cute little dog during these past few weeks of mild weather. I have even had to put on a jacket these past few days. How can you resist this face?
  • My latest and really the last flower to bloom in my perennial garden is this Sweet Coneflower. It grew amazingly tall this year and is bursting with these unique, pretty yellow flowers. I love the splash of color it brings this late in the season, as the other flowers are fading. Today, I will go cut some of the blooms for a bouquet to brighten up my kitchen.
  • Me Before You, by JoJo Moyes is one of the best books I have read in a long time. From the first chapter, the story grabs you and it is impossible to put down. It has a unique story and makes you think about the characters choices. Don't you love it when you stumble across a book that you can't imagine having never read, because it touched you in the way a good book can? And, I am happy to see this book will become a movie - these are characters I would love to see come alive on the screen.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...puppy, books, etc.



  • My sweet puppy got a haircut this week and the groomer always puts bows in her hair. She looks so cute, but they last about five minutes, before she finds a way to remove them. A shorter, summer haircut was really needed for the summer heat that has finally arrived. When I am outside, she loves it and will even sit in a chair for a few minutes until a squirrel or people walking on the path distract her and off she goes.
  • Megan sent me this wonderful photo last night after some storms rolled through our area. The light blue sky against the orange sunset is so lovely and peaceful. Heaven seems very close when you see something like this.
  • I just finished two books by the same author and I enjoyed them both. First, I read The Comfort of Lies by Randy Susan Meyers and because I liked it so much, I found her first book, The Murderer's Daughters. Both were very well written and told from the point of view of several characters. I enjoy this writing style, because you are given a more complex story and well rounded characters. Now, I am reading The Last Letter From Your Lover by JoJo Moyes, which has been recommended by several other bloggers. So far it has peaked my interest and seems to be building to an interesting mystery about the past of the main character, who has amnesia.
  • It is graduation season and even though I thought we would not be receiving too many grad party invitations, we have already received five. It is time to stock up on graduation cards and start writing those checks :-)

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts


Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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