Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How I Stay Grounded


I posted this on my IG stories, because it really spoke to me.  My personality is quite calm, but there are certain things that keep me that way and maybe this list which is pretty spot on, will help you too.  Obviously, not working full time, or having young children or teens at home makes my days less stressful than many, but we all need touchstones in our daily life that keep us grounded.  Out of this list, I have highlighted a few that I can’t do without.


I live in Florida, so soaking up the sunshine is a way of life.  Having lived in Michigan for a good portion of my life, with it’s gray winter days, I can see the difference living in the Sunshine State makes in mood and lifestyle.

Whole Foods

As I have gotten older, there is a noticeable difference in how I feel based on how healthy I eat.  I rarely eat fast food, do not consume any caffeine and do my best to eat a balanced diet.  As a dietetic, portion control is my mantra.


I used to be a night owl and exist on very little sleep.  My diabetes is hereditary, but not getting enough sleep can be a trigger.  Now, I rarely stay up past midnight.  Again, a stress free lifestyle makes a lot of difference, but a healthy lifestyle is the key.


I love to walk and soak in nature whether it is on the beach or on a trail.  When I lived in Michigan, walking in the snow was my favorite thing.  Gardening is also a big part of my life and getting my hands in the dirt or wandering around a plant nursery are what I consider therapy.


I discovered yoga about ten years ago and haven’t looked back. When I had a knee injury and couldn’t practice yoga, it showed me how important if is to move.  And, having graduated from physical therapy last week, with my strength and range of motion back, I am doing what I love.  And, out of all the exercises my PT gave me, yoga was by far the best for building strength and flexibility.  I  also play golf regularly and like I mentioned walk every day.


This started with my move and inevitable downsizing four years ago, and it is now a way of life.  I am determined to never accumulate so many things again and donation is happening regularly.  A cluttered home equals a cluttered mind for me.

Future Planning

I love to be home, but also love to make plans.  Whether it is a day trip or plane travel, new experiences are good for your mental health and to keep you from getting in a rut.  There is always a new adventure on the horizon and we live in the perfect place and have the perfect lifestyle to take advantage of it.  

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Looking for Shells







There is a beach in Venice that is so different than the white sand beaches we tend to frequent for our beach days. It's secluded, almost private, and can only be found by driving down a long sand covered road that hugs the shoreline. It's rustic, natural, quite narrow and the sand is volcanic, rather than quartz, so dark in color. It's also known as the best spot to find shark's teeth (prehistoric) and people line the water using sand sifters of all sorts.

The shark's teeth are elusive and we haven't put in the time to find any, but it's a great beach for a long walk along the water's edge. There are so many shells and not just the little ones you find on many beaches, but the bigger ones I like to collect. Because I live here and there is always another beach walk around the corner, I can be quite selective in my shell hunting. I usually find just enough to easily carry and always look for unique colors, shapes and patterns. I'm in the process of filling a couple of large jars, but taking my time and making the finds memorable.

It's a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Happy Monday!


Thursday, October 27, 2016

3 Fall Things





Walking right now on the trails in my neighborhood is a favorite fall thing. We are almost to peak color, the air is crisp and cool, requiring a light jacket and the swirling leaves both in the air and underfoot have that delightful crunch under my shoes. I am really trying to be in the moment, since this will be my last fall in this neighborhood and I will miss my walking trails through the woods in all their seasonal glory, probably more than anything.



Cozy is the operative word lately. Turning on soft and seasonal lights, a warm sweater and a hot mug of tea or coffee is another favorite fall thing right now. Yesterday I baked some pumpkin bread and a slice was a perfect treat on a rainy, cold afternoon.



I finally went through and brought out some fall decor. I was quite ruthless in getting rid of much of my decor that I didn't have any attachment to. All my Halloween decor went, since I prefer autumn themed decor now, rather than spooky. Since I am hosting Thanksgiving I used quite a bit throughout my house, but once Thanksgiving is over, another trip to Goodwill will happen as my goal is to go from four bins to one.

One of my decor favorites is this glass block light I made a few years ago. It's really easy to make and I love the soft orange glow it gives my kitchen on gloomy fall mornings. If you would like to try making one, the simple directions can be found here.

Happy Thursday!


Monday, April 18, 2016

Spring Sunshine




This weekend brought two long walks with my puppy, many hours sitting on my patio with a book and a cold drink, open windows for the first time this year and a bit of sunburn on my shoulders. Also, I began the spring yard cleanup by picking up a few hundred sticks and branches that fell to the ground over the winter.



But, it was the sunshine and blue skies that were the star of the weekend - so welcome and so needed. After a strangely mild winter and cold and gloomy spring, there is nothing better than the feel of sunshine and warm breezes. It's too early for much green and the only flowers are forsythia, daffodils and my favorite hyacinths just ready to bloom, but this warmth will have everything budding and popping with color soon.

I am ready for that first trip to the garden center to buy some frost resistant pansies and to stroll the aisles to plan and dream about what flowers I will buy in late May. I am ready for afternoons spent outside, for golf season and for patio dining. The spring sunshine has arrived and it is very welcome.

Happy Monday!


Linking with Have a Daily Cup Garden Party


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Early Spring






The skies were bright blue, the sun was bright and it was a beautiful early spring day; perfect for a late afternoon walk. Walking in the spring, when the grass suddenly turns green and the trees start to bud, is something I look forward to every year. With sunglasses on and only a light jacket, there is a lightness in my step and hope and change all around.

The wild daffodils I planted are also up and a bright splash of color against the edge of the woods. I can see them from my bedroom window and especially on a sunny day, they symbolize the new season and the beautiful weather to come. It's the season of sunshine and flowers. Of open windows and putting your face to the sun. Of finally planting something, getting my gardener's hands in the dirt and the miracle of watching things grow.

Happy spring!


Friday, February 26, 2016

A Snowy Twenty Four Hours





Yes, it's still February and a measurable snowfall shouldn't really come as a big surprise here in the snowy north. But, we haven't really had much snow to speak of and it's easy to get out of the rhythm of boots, hats, gloves and firing up the snowblower. I don't usually have to drive when it's so messy on the roads, but this time, I had to run an errand in the worst of it. However, as bad as it gets, Michigan drivers are tough and everyone slows down and safely makes their way to where they need to go. It gets a little tricky when it's snowing harder than the snow plows can keep up with and the lane lines are covered, but we adapt.




It was still snowing in the morning but, I was lucky enough to be able to stay home and just enjoy the view. Outside my window there were big flakes falling, snow covering the tree branches and even a bright red Cardinal at my bird feeder. Everything was white and very beautiful. As the end of February approaches, we are almost through winter (hopefully) and I'm going to try and enjoy the season as it winds down. There may be more snowy days, but there will also be warm and sunny ones too, that remind us that spring is coming. And here, after fighting our way through a northern winter, it is most welcome.



Have a wonderful weekend!


Linking with

Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style

21 Rosemary Lane


Monday, January 25, 2016

Walking in All Seasons




I am in the midst of winter walking at the moment, but as I was out the other day, I was thinking how walking in all the different seasons does keep things interesting. I envy those who can walk on the beach, but otherwise, I am perfectly content and appreciative of my walking paths that go through the woods in my neighborhood. In all kinds of weather and in all seasons, I can walk out the door and in minutes am in touch with nature and can see first hand what is happening outside.




Winter walking is so peaceful, especially if I am lucky enough to time my walk to coincide with lightly falling snow. The low light of winter gives everything a hazy quality and the only sound you hear is the crunch of snow under your boots. Plus, a hot drink always tastes better after being out in the cold.



The snowy paths now will soon change to the welcome sight of green grass coming up and flowers appearing on the trees and bushes in the spring.




Summer is filled with sunlight and green canopies of trees. There are wildflowers that carpet the woods and bloom in a continuous wave throughout the season.




Fall brings a welcome coolness to the air and stunning color above. The sound of leaves crunching under my feet is one of my favorite sounds.

Happy walking and Happy Monday!


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Walking in the Leaves





Am I ever happy I took a long walk earlier this week, since we are now dealing with the remnants of the southern tropical storm. I am always amazed that the wind and rain we receive sometimes has its roots from so far away and can reach this far north, but such is nature. We are just past our peak of color, with leaves starting to fall like crazy, but it is still very pretty. The wind and rain will scatter and bring down much of what is left on the trees and all this fall beauty will be just a memory.





As you know, I try to walk every day that I can. It is a good routine to have and it gets me out, so even on days I may not feel like it, I am always very glad I did, once out walking. As I walk along the paths; and especially this time of year, with so much beauty to see, any worries melt away and the sound of leaves crunching under my feet becomes the only thing I am aware of. It's almost meditative and exactly what I need on many days.



Cooper, my favorite walking buddy, is always happy to go as far as I want to and on this walk, we experienced every bit of autumn beauty that we could find. We go where the paths take us and enjoy the feeling of being far away from civilization, even though we are in the middle of a neighborhood. It's all about perspective and being in tune with what is around you. The sights, the smells and the constant way that nature changes. It's good for the soul.

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style


Friday, September 18, 2015

Changing, Thinking, Reading






I am starting the change over to fall in my garden. The last of the summer blooms were cut and put in a vase, the first of the season's mums have been purchased and placed in pots here and there and there are even a few of the first maple leaves starting to turn, so brilliantly. So much pretty color already and more to look forward to.



Sometimes when reading a blog post, it really strikes a nerve and makes me think. My blog friend Mo, from Mocadeaux wrote a post this week about an anniversary at her children's preschool. I started to remember my daughter's co-op preschool and my board position there and then all the years and all the jobs I took on in order to be involved in my girl's lives. Brownie leader (twice), playground parent and room mother in elementary school. Auction committees, PTO board positions, costume director ( many late nights sewing) for middle school musicals, youth group and field trip chaperone. Gymnastics meet awards committee, swim team co-president and pompon team vice-president. Plus, many other jobs I can't really remember. All done with love, but looking back, I wonder how did I ever have the energy?!




I have been reading two new female detective series and loving them. Both have strong female characters and great supporting ones as well and are set in my favorite location; London. I am a new fan of both Maeve Kerrigan and Lacey Flint and so glad I found these books. Now I wait impatiently for the newest books in the series.

Have a wonderful weekend!








Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Back at the River





It was so wonderful to be back in northern Michigan at our friend's cabin on the north branch of the Au Sable River. It is a peaceful, beautiful place, deep in the woods and time just seems to stand still. There is internet, but when you are surrounded by this kind of natural beauty, there is no need to be connected and for the most part, my phone was put away.





There was a lot of time spent contemplating the flow of the river from the deck. There was a lot of good conversation, with two really good friends. There were glasses of wine, beer and Bloody Mary's to add to the relaxation. But, mostly we stayed put and cooked some great meals; only venturing into civilization for breakfast or a drink at a local bar, right on the river, during one of our canoe trips.




But, it always goes back to the flow of the river there. Whether watching it or following its current in a canoe, you mimic its movement and slow down. There is something to be said for a slower pace and we were lucky enough to find it this weekend.

Happy Tuesday!


Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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