Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Four Day Visit


I just got back to Florida from a four day trip to visit my daughter Melissa and help landscape the backyard of her new bungalow home. I love gardening so it’s easy for me and it saves them money too. With the help of her boyfriend, the three of us managed to dig out beds around their new patio, plant both there and along a back fence and clean up and water everything in just a few hours.  That left the rest of my time there for fun.  Including, spending time with their new puppy Winston, a mini long haired dachshund.  He is a cutie.

We also, had a lovely patio dinner at the country club they recently joined, where to my delight, perch was on the menu, a Michigan summer seafood staple.  Michigan summer nights, where a sweater is required, are quite a difference from the Florida evening humidity where being outside at night is not as pleasant.

A highlight, was a dinner on Monday with nine of my Michigan friends.  It still warms my heart that after five years away, I put out the call that I am in town, and they gladly make time to see me.  It still is my goal to get a girl’s trip to Florida in the books.

Otherwise, there was a lot of puppy cuddles and playtime as well as one on one catching up with Melissa. The landscape project was really only an excuse to visit and get that much needed mother daughter time.


Saturday, April 23, 2022

A Favorite Day


Do you ever have one of those days where you think to yourself this is my favorite day ever?  I had one of those days on Thursday morning with my volunteer group.  We usually do quite hard work; removing invasive species, weeding, trimming and planting.  But this particular morning was different.  In order to impress the judges for America In Bloom (Venice is a finalist for an award) we got creative in a small city park area we have adopted and became artists using all natural materials.

The showpiece is the arbor we built with bamboo and grapevine.  But, there are also areas landscaped with real creativity using bamboo and palm fronds, hanging art made with sticks, grapevine and seashells and an interactive fairy garden under a big tree where children who visit can use their imagination too.

All in all it was a experience that stretched some artistic muscles I have not used in awhile while at the same time helping make an outdoor area in my city even more beautiful.  Hope you think it is pretty cool too.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Spring Flowers in Florida


Yes, there are flowers all year around, but this time of year is the sweet spot.  The warmth starts to hit again and everything that might have been a bit dormant begins to give me beautiful blooms.  There is no wilting from too much heat and it all looks so tropical and beautiful.  

It’s a different kind of gardening than in the north and it took me a few years to learn and adapt.  I have learned that drought tolerant plants and Florida natives are the way to go. Plants that would only be indoor plants in Michigan, thrive in the outdoor heat and humidity.  Anything I plant must love full sun and even with that, I am sometimes watering every day.  It’s been a lot of trial and error, but that is the fun of gardening. There is always a new flower or plant to try.

Pictured plants from top to bottom are:



Mexican Petunia

Flax Lily

Oyster Plant

Crown of Thorns




Areca Palm


Asparagus Fern

Variegated Snake Plant

Persian Shield

Happy Gardening no matter the variety and whatever planting zone you live in!


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How I Stay Grounded


I posted this on my IG stories, because it really spoke to me.  My personality is quite calm, but there are certain things that keep me that way and maybe this list which is pretty spot on, will help you too.  Obviously, not working full time, or having young children or teens at home makes my days less stressful than many, but we all need touchstones in our daily life that keep us grounded.  Out of this list, I have highlighted a few that I can’t do without.


I live in Florida, so soaking up the sunshine is a way of life.  Having lived in Michigan for a good portion of my life, with it’s gray winter days, I can see the difference living in the Sunshine State makes in mood and lifestyle.

Whole Foods

As I have gotten older, there is a noticeable difference in how I feel based on how healthy I eat.  I rarely eat fast food, do not consume any caffeine and do my best to eat a balanced diet.  As a dietetic, portion control is my mantra.


I used to be a night owl and exist on very little sleep.  My diabetes is hereditary, but not getting enough sleep can be a trigger.  Now, I rarely stay up past midnight.  Again, a stress free lifestyle makes a lot of difference, but a healthy lifestyle is the key.


I love to walk and soak in nature whether it is on the beach or on a trail.  When I lived in Michigan, walking in the snow was my favorite thing.  Gardening is also a big part of my life and getting my hands in the dirt or wandering around a plant nursery are what I consider therapy.


I discovered yoga about ten years ago and haven’t looked back. When I had a knee injury and couldn’t practice yoga, it showed me how important if is to move.  And, having graduated from physical therapy last week, with my strength and range of motion back, I am doing what I love.  And, out of all the exercises my PT gave me, yoga was by far the best for building strength and flexibility.  I  also play golf regularly and like I mentioned walk every day.


This started with my move and inevitable downsizing four years ago, and it is now a way of life.  I am determined to never accumulate so many things again and donation is happening regularly.  A cluttered home equals a cluttered mind for me.

Future Planning

I love to be home, but also love to make plans.  Whether it is a day trip or plane travel, new experiences are good for your mental health and to keep you from getting in a rut.  There is always a new adventure on the horizon and we live in the perfect place and have the perfect lifestyle to take advantage of it.  

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Life Lately


We are experiencing the most beautiful weather; the kind that draws you outside where you take notice of the birds chirping, the blue sky and the sunshine.  I also feel incredibly optimistic about Covid, with more and more people getting the vaccine and positivity rates dropping in the state overall and especially my county (Sarasota) and even my zip code at <1%.  Still lots of mask wearing, but otherwise open.

I have been enjoying the pool at home and getting out and about too, like to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning.  How fun to get fresh, local vegetables in the winter and especially strawberries, direct from Plant City. We have a fabulous Farmer’s Market in Venice with live music, a variety of vendors and the added bonus of blue skies and Royal Palms overhead.

 There has been a lot of planting going on both at my house and in my neighborhood where I continue as chair of the Beautification Committee.  We designed a new bed by our pickle ball courts that is getting raves. It’s hard work, but I do love it.  With new plantings in Florida, there is no shirking from daily watering and that is keeping me on my toes, with all the sunny, dry weather.

Here is a sampling of my life lately in photos.  Happy last day of February!

Thursday, July 9, 2020


  • Sitting at an airport waiting to fly to see my daughters.  I am being extremely careful - mask, hand sanitizer, wipes, keeping away from people, window seat and will lay low at home when I return.  It seems everyone is out doing everything they want  and I’m not willing to go any longer without seeing my daughters.  Just because I am a rule follower.  They need to see their Mom and I need to see them.
  • Making a list of Florida friendly plants that I want to buy and plant soon.  I discovered a great plant nursery and have a few new types I want to try.  I’m learning in Florida that an area that gets full sun, really needs a plant that can stand the heat.  It doesn’t matter how much you try to water if it’s 90 plus degrees every day, with unrelenting sun.  Purslane and Mexican Petunias are my two new discoveries.
  • Reading book three of a fairly new detective series.  The Roxane Weary series by Kristen Lipionka is about a female PI in Columbus, Ohio and I enjoy the Midwestern setting, the feisty and flawed main character and her relationships with her family and friends. 
  • Watching Bloodline on Netflix.  I know I am late to the party on this one, but it’s set in beautiful Islamorada in the Florida Keys and it has an old Florida vibe I recognize as true to life.  Great story and family dynamics too.  Isn’t it funny that you can immediately tell a series is a few years old because of the phones (flip phones especially).
  • Looking forward to seeing my daughter and son in law’s new house that they closed on in March, right when all this covid nonsense changed everything.  When I can’t be with my daughters, it helps me to see the spaces they are living in.  Just a mom thing for sure. We like to know are children are safe and settled.  Same for Melissa when I can finally get to Michigan and see her new rental house as well.
  • Still getting a Hello Fresh delivery about once a month and still enjoying the meals.  Last night was Margarita Chicken - chicken with melted mozzarella and chopped tomatoes with basil and balsamic reduction over garlic butter spaghetti. Yum!
Happy Thursday!

Friday, June 7, 2019


One of the last pieces of a new life in Florida, was finding a volunteer opportunity.  As it turns out, I found two.  Volunteering has always been a part of my life and part of my last job was recruting and scheduling volunteers for a city wide event,  so I knew it was something I wanted to pursue here.  It's also a great way to meet new people and at the same time, give something back.

For the past few months, I have been a part of the HOA Landscaping committee in my new development.  We are in the process of taking control of the HOA from our builder, as they complete construction of the final homes.  I knew that this committe was something I would enjoy and we have already received really good feedback on some of the things we have completed.  We have been counting trees, as well as planting flowers in lovely planters at all our entrances, which for some reason the builder never completed.  Our next project is updating some plantings in the pool area and I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt.

Just yesterday, I started a volunteer opportunity outside my neighborhood and in the community I have grown to love.  In Venice, there are small parks everywhere, all with tropical, Florida style plantings.  Also, the downtown area is beautiful and filled with palm trees and flowers.  I joined a group called Keep Venice Beautiful and in conjunction with the garden club, we volunteer to do just that.  It was hot, sweaty work, but I loved every minute of it.  As a bonus, I'll learn a lot about Florida landscaping and plants and this Midwest girl is looking forward to that.

Just another couple of important pieces of my new life falling into place.  I would love to hear how you volunteer in your community, church, school, etc.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

July So Far




The day before the 4th of July, we had a new palm tree put in and I hope we have finally found one that will thrive in this spot. This is try number three and it's very odd, because palm trees basically grow like weeds here in tropical Florida. This one has a warranty and is being watched closely by the landscape company. It wouldn't be a Florida house without a palm tree, right?



I wrote about our sailboat trip on my birthday weekend post, but I found this photo on the Sail Venice Facebook page and thought it was a good one to share. We love retirement and Florida and this photo just about sums it up.





There are three shows that I am watching this summer and loving them all. First, the second season of Anne with an E is on Netflix. The cast is wonderful and while this new season doesn't follow too closely with the original Anne of Green Gables, it still is a lovely period piece.

The Great British Baking Show is back on PBS and it is just as good as ever. Delicious bakes and sweet contestants in all their quirky, British glory, make this one of my all time favorite shows.

Season two of Marcella is also on Netflix and while I haven't started it yet, it's next on my list. Season one was very good. It's a dark and gritty police drama with an interesting and flawed heroine. In my opinion, British crime shows are just so much better than those in America.



Speaking of British crime shows, I am a big fan of Shetland and caught up with the current season a few months ago. While I am waiting for Netflix to add the newest season, I decided to read the books that the tv show is based on. I'm finding the books quite different and a favorite character (Tosh) is missing, but the writing is really good and the use of different points of view, moves the story along very well. I'm on book three, so I will be enjoying this series for awhile.

Happy Thursday!


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Living Like A Local



It's easy to think of living in Florida as one continuous vacation with constant visits to to beach. And believe me, it can be like that. I still pinch myself when I'm at the beach or the pool on random days, especially in the winter months. But, for a new place to feel like home, you also need some normalcy. I am equal parts introverted (I love to be at home) and social. Finding friends to do things with, either as a couple or girls outings has been slow to develop, but I can feel it starting to happen.

Last week made me feel like I am getting involved, getting out and about and doing things that the locals do.





On Thursday night, I went out to dinner and then to the Venice Theatre to see Dreamgirls. The group consisted of friends of a friend's sister, but it's fun to meet new people and everyone was very friendly. The production was good, with a local feel, but I have grown up going to community theatre, so I was ok with that. The one exception was the actress who played Effie. She was fabulous and her credits included The Lion King show at Disney World. It's definitely something I would do again and will check the schedule periodically.



On Friday afternoon, I went with a neighbor to the Venice Home and Garden Tour. It was a beautiful day and really fun to explore the homes and their tropical gardens. I was especially taken with the plant shown above (variegated dwarf ginger) and am going to look for a sunny spot to try and grow it. All of these tropical plants are new to me and I find them all so interesting.

Sunday, I invited a friend who is in town to walk with me on my usual afternoon walk and I loved showing her the shaded path to the beach that I love.

What's the saying? " bloom where you are planted "

It's what I'm trying to do.

Happy Tuesday!


Friday, October 27, 2017





I'm loving discovering new to me plants and hoping that this hibiscus makes it through the cooler weather we are starting to have here in Florida. It's all trial and error to this Midwest girl, but it's fun figuring it out. I'm learning that these tropical plants love the heat and humidity, but do not love a lot of water, unless they are in the direct sunlight all day.



Speaking of cooler temperatures - we were able to open the door wall and windows this week, with nighttime lows in the high 50's/low 60's and sunny days in the mid to upper 70's. It will be back in the 80's, but the 90's and humidity are gone for now. I think I'm really going to enjoy my first late fall/winter in Florida.




We have made a few changes to our house as time goes on. First, the oars I painted and hung on the dining room ship lap wall needed a little something more, so I added some rope accents and I love the texture and coastal vibe it brings. Also, we ended up changing the handles on the kitchen cabinets (before) and they definately give a more modern feel to the space. In the next few weeks, I will be posting the remaining rooms of my Florida home tour - just waiting for a few finishing touches.





I don't watch a lot of television, but Outlander, Poldark and Grey's Anatomy are all living up to my expectations and then some. Outlander has been wonderful in Season 3 and is based on my favorite book in the series, Voyager. Seeing it brought to life is amazing and emotional for me and really my only quibble is the inevitable changes from the book. But, I feel that way about every book adaptation. Poldark lost me a little last season, but season 3 has been really good and Ross is back to being the anti hero we love. Grey's Anatomy continues to amaze me that after 14 seasons the writers and the actors all continue to bring the drama to Seattle Grace (Grey Sloan Memorial) and continue to surprise me. Last night's episode with flashbacks to Riggs's and Megan's backstory during the war in Iraq was so good! I didn't mention This Is Us and that was deliberate. I'm still watching, but there is something missing for me so far this season.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, October 6, 2017

3 Things




So, I went to a new book club last night at my neighborhood's clubhouse. I didn't have high hopes that it could even be close to the same experience I am used to with my former book club, but I was hoping for the best. It was fine, just very different. Everyone was very welcoming and I'm sure over time I will get to know these ladies better and that will help. Since it meets in the clubhouse, it feels completely different than being at someone's home (even though our clubhouse is extremely nice). It was definately more about the book discussion, rather than socializing and if you can believe this - there was no wine! I'm going to have to see if I can change that :-)



I went to a garden center to replace some plants that I lost during Irma, and was really surprised to see all the mums. It seems like it would be way too hot here in Florida, but since they were very inexpensive, I decided to buy one and give it a try. So far, so good, since it's in the shade on my porch and I've been generous with the water. It's a little hard to get in the fall spirit here, but I do love a pretty mum in October.



This photo is circa 2011 and it really makes me feel nostalgic seeing my then college and high school aged daughters in our old home. But, it's a favorite and since it's rivalry week in Michigan, it's worth another post. The University of Michigan (Megan and her fiance's alma mater) is playing Michigan State (alma mater for me, my hubby and Melissa) on Saturday night, under the lights in a nationally televised game. The hatred is real between the two fan bases, but in our family, we have fun with it and all rivalry comments are done with love.

Have a wonderful weekend and Go Green! (Sorry Meg!)


Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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