Monday, February 17, 2025

February in Photos


Busy, busy February so far.  My to do list has been long as I prepare for a season of company from up north. We don’t do spring cleaning in Florida, but we do lots of those type jobs in the winter, so we can have fun in the spring.  Today, I put out 40 bags of fresh mulch and am happy to have that off my list.

There have been several fun things too including an MSU basketball watch party, lunch, brunch and dinner with friends and full moon yoga on the beach, including a pretty sunset before moon rise. I am quite busy too with my volunteer group; both working as a site leader on Make a Difference Day in Venice and writing the weekly newsletter for the group.  

I am very excited that our first round of company from snowy Michigan will be my daughters, son in laws and of course Audrey.  The weather looks to be beautiful so getting her pool and beach time is a priority.  Her Nana and PopPop are ready to show off Florida to her.


  1. Have a wonderful visit. It's cold, cold, cold in New York and am warm weather dreaming. Next winter!

  2. Enjoy their visit..I'm sure they will appreciate the weather...It has ben a cold winter but then, I guess that is to be expected.

  3. It sounds like you’ve been juggling a lot, but it’s great to see all the fun and rewarding moments sprinkled in between! The full moon yoga on the beach sounds especially magical. And how exciting that your family from Michigan is coming down to enjoy the Florida sunshine—Audrey is going to have such a blast! Your efforts with the mulch and volunteering are inspiring too—so much accomplished in February!

    new post:

    1. She was a infant her last visit - this one will be special for all of us.

  4. 40 bags of mulch - I bet you were really tired!! I hope you have a lot of fun with your guests!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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