Thursday, January 16, 2025

January Check In


How can January be half over already?  It has been a quiet, catch up time for me.  Once I put away the Christmas decor, I always see things with fresh eyes and begin a lot of organizing.  Also, instead of spending a lot on fresh decor, I bought one print and then moved and repurposed what I already had.  It is amazing how items can look so different in new locations.

My fitness goals are on track with movement from yoga and walking.  I did a long beach walk at the beginning of the New Year and still find anything beach related uplifting and mind clearing.  It was sad to see that Venice Beach is still not put back together completely after Hurricane Milton.  It is fine for a typical beach day and as pretty as ever, but if you look closer, there is still a big ridge of sand that needs leveling, all the dune grasses are gone and the walking path at the top of the beach is totally gone as well.  Not to mention, the jetty area is still closed and will be for years as the army engineers figure it out.  It could have been worse of course, and the tourists will be happy, but if you live here it is sad.

Otherwise, the weather has been sunny, but chilly, so we have been wearing sweatshirts and bundling up for golf.  We played Euchre with a regular monthly group over the weekend and watched basketball with friends too (MSU). The Lions play on Saturday night and everyone with Michigan roots is excited and hopeful for a trip to the Super Bowl. 

We are missing Audrey, but Megan sends photos and videos to make it better.  I will also be braving the frigid temps in Michigan for a visit very soon.


  1. Such a cutie..Those beads can be dangerous!!Nice series of pictures.. Love the beach..Can't get too much of that...Have a good weekend..

  2. Cute picture of Audrey - all glammed up! The shore is so inviting. That's too bad that there's still so much to be done after the hurricane.

    1. It will take more time, but we are good at getting it done.

  3. Your lounge chair in the sun is calling my name. Audrey is a cutie. I'm glad you get some more time with her this month!

    1. Currently sitting in that lounge chair after being in below zero temps. Heaven!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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