Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Very Chilly Visit


It was frigid and snowy when my plane touched down in Michigan last week, but since I was there to help Megan and spend quality time with Audrey, I made the best of it.  Megan picked me up at the airport and it was slow going to get home in the middle of a snowstorm, so we decided to mostly stay inside for the next few days.

I played with Audrey, read about 100 books and cuddled for a few episodes of Mickey Mouse Club.  I brought Valentine stickers and we made pictures for her Daddy, PopPop and Auntie. We did go to breakfast one day and lunch another, plus a visit to Meijer Gardens where there is an indoor greenhouse, a cafe and a cute children’s play area.  Usually when I am there we take a lot of walks, but temperatures below zero don’t allow for that.

She is so sweet, funny and happy, so being around her is a pleasure.  I could hear her calling for Nana after her nap or in the morning and that makes my long distance Grandma heart happy.  I am home now and today we face timed with lots of great interaction.  And, the good news is that they will be visiting Florida in a few weeks for some sunshine, pool time and beach time.   I think this long distance style grandma -ing is going to be okay.


  1. Lucky Nana and Lucky Audrey! I do miss my youngest Granddaughter who lives in London. It's not quite to easy to fly back and forth there. If we were independently wealthy, you can bet that I would be on a plane monthly! :-) I also have two almost grown grands in Montana. I miss them terribly too. One lives here in Omaha, but she was long distance off and on during her first 8 years. At first we were in Spokane and they were in Portland, OR, a six hour drive away. I drove it about every 6 weeks for baby time. Then they moved to Washington DC and I flew there every few months. Then they moved to Omaha through a fluke transfer of our SIL's job. Then we moved back to Omaha, where we grew up, to care for my mother-in-law. So now we're in a city with one of our four grands.
    Maybe that was too much info. FaceTime is wonderful and we do it often! In fact I talked to our granddaughter here for an hour and a half this afternoon on facetime. Both she and her Mom have influenza so I'm not making any personal appearances, just porch dropoffs of food. :-)

  2. You have a great perspective about being a long distance grandparent. When our kids were young, we lived a plane ride away from our parents and made the most of the situation. I would say that now being the grandparent with kids that live nearby it is nice to be have a weekly school pick up day, attend their sporting events and have frequent pool time and sleepovers.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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