Thursday, September 26, 2024

Riding Out Hurricane Helene



We did all the hurricane prep yesterday and now we wait.  Because we added permanent storm screens, the process is much less stressful and much easier to do.  Anything that might fly, goes on the covered part of the lanai and down comes the screen with the press of a button.  We most likely won’t get hurricane force winds in the outer bands, but it’s always better to be over prepared.

Having ridden out Hurricane Ian, we know our house can take sustained category 4 winds, so we feel like old hands at this now.  We have become Florida people with hurricane supplies, a generator and a more laid back attitude to the whole thing.  The worst thing is being stuck in the house while the storm rages, but this one is a fast mover and the sun will be out by Friday.  

Hopefully people in the landfall area (most likely the panhandle) where storm surge will be high, evacuated as they were advised.  It is not fun to leave and wonder what is happening, but it is the price you pay for beachfront living.  It is times like this that I don’t regret our location close to the beach, but not right on the beach. So many pretty spots are in the path, but Florida knows how to do this, will be ok  and recover as necessary.

Today may get wild at times, the phones may keep sending emergency alerts about flooding and storm surge, but my little part of Florida on the beautiful Gulf Coast will be ride out this hurricane just as it has for hundreds of years.


  1. All of my Florida blogger friends are definitely in my prayers right now. My brother-in-law also lives north of Miami so he's a concern too. I'm glad your preparations have gotten easier for you and you have some supplies on hand.

  2. Thank you - we just had wind and rain off and on. The beach areas with the surge took the brunt.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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