Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Life Lately


It is a few days past Easter and April is already whizzing along for me with a lot on my calendar.  Melissa’s bridal shower is fast approaching and I am hoping for a flurry of rsvp’s to come in this week, so I don’t have to follow up with people.  I am working on menu cards and some table top signs and still need to place a flower order at Trader Joe’s.  Otherwise all is well with that.  3 months until the wedding!

I didn’t take any photos on Easter, but do have a few fun shots of our Good Friday.  As is our tradition, we went to Stations of the Cross and then did a mini bar crawl in the afternoon.  This tradition dates back to our parish friends in Michigan and we see no reason to not continue in Florida.  There was one big change and it was very Florida centric. Instead of stations of the cross in church, there was a procession through downtown Venice.  This was the first year for this and it was really quite special with several hundred participants on a beautiful day under a bright blue Florida sky.

Happy April!


  1. The sky!! So blue, just perfect. Good luck with the bridal shower.

  2. Enjoy your shower. I am sure it will be fun for all those who attend

  3. The outdoor stations of the cross is such a great idea!

    1. Did not know what to expect, but the big crowd was really something special.

  4. We have two weddings (as guests) this year and I'm looking forward to both. Enjoy the shower and time with your girls!

    1. It is going to be a fun summer - we will be heading to Chicago for a wedding in June as well.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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