Wednesday, February 28, 2024

February in Photos


It is hard to believe that tomorrow is the last day of February, but I am ready for March and a fun month ahead.  My two daughters (with fiance, husband and my grandaughter too) will be here visiting the next two weeks (one night overlapping) and my excitement is high.  The heat on the pool is turned up, baby items are gathered and dinner reservations are made.  The weather should be nice and we will play it by ear with a baby along.  I may have purchased a Minnie Mouse beach towel :-)

February in photos shows yoga on the beach and waves in the gulf from the windy days we have been having.  Golf has been a challenge with both wind and cold.  Lent began with an early Easter this year. 

 I had so much fun going to the library and picking out some picture books for my granddaughter.  I have always loved the library and it was a dream to be there with my granddaughter in mind.  Taking her to pick her own books will be the next step.  Finally, a friend is spending time in Florida and I visited her in the Clearwater area and she visited me in Venice.

I will have a lot to talk about in March so stay tuned!


  1. I volunteer at the library and love looking at the children's books as I shelve them. It brings great memories of my kids when they were little, and imaginings of the future too.

    1. And that future I dreamed about is here now. It also made me think of my mother who always took me to the library.

  2. Enjoy your visit with your family!! Happy March!! Feb in Florida can be a problem golf wise...I remember some times that I hid behind a telephone pole to get out of the wind...It's like that here today (Pa)..

    1. I hear it is bad every 5 years - I guess this was the year!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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