Sunday, February 11, 2024

Cuteness Overload

I spent the past week in Michigan helping Megan while my son in law traveled for work.  She really doesn’t need a lot of help (except with the dog) because she is the best mama and it is a joy to watch her navigate the newborn stage.  Some people are natural with babies and she is one of them.  She constantly talks to Audrey and Audrey looks for her voice.  It is the cutest and we are lucky to have such a happy baby.  

The weather in Michigan was unbelievable and quite warm for early February.  We were able to get out, do some shopping, have lunch and go for many walks with the stroller.  I am so looking forward to many more visits when Audrey is a bit older and we can do fun things like going to the park or the zoo. 

We read our first books together and I sang lots of songs, because it is obvious she loves music.  However, I learned I am quite rusty on the typical nursery rhyme baby songs.  It has been a long time since those songs were in my repertoire and will need to do some brushing up on the words before the next visit.

But for now, I will take all the baby cuddles, the cutest smiles and the sweetest sounds.  Nana time is the best.


  1. Oh my Goodness Vicki she is just beautiful. Those eyes! She is a lucky girl to be born into such a loving family. Congratulations!

  2. ADORABLE!!!! She is precious and I know you loved every moment of NANA time! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. I always loved your blogs about your little ones. Time does fly.

  3. Just stumbled across your blog.
    These are such cute pictures. Made me smile. :)

  4. There's just nothing better than watching your daughter mother her own children. Ahh, the dogs : ) Life is not the same for them with a baby in the house. My younger daughter's in-laws just took her pup home with them for a few weeks to let everyone settle in with the newest baby. And everyone is happier for it lol.

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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