Monday, January 1, 2024

Top 3 Recipes 2023 - Cocktail Version


Looking for top views of recipe posts as I usually do to end a blogging year, I found something interesting.  I did not have very many actual recipe posts and in fact the top recipe was for How to Make Boxed Banana Bread Better.  This is indicative of my Florida life, compared to when I started this blog.  More dinner hours pool side and less cooking day to day.  It’s a lot more fun to grab a sub and watch a beach sunset at dinner time than to spend hours in the kitchen.

The top three views of fun cocktail posts are as follows.  Enjoy and Happy 2024!

Easter Cocktail - Drunk Bunny

Prosecco and Vodka Grapes

Simple Raspberry Margarita


  1. I think many of us who are now retired are much like you. I spend so much less time cooking than I did even five years ago. I'm not complaining though. I'm loving the retired life.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. You had me a raspberry margarita!
    Happy New Year!

  3. Not a cocktail person but used to be..They look yummy!! Happy New Year!!

  4. Yum! All three sound delicious!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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