Friday, December 29, 2023

Happy Christmas


We flew home from Michigan today and it is good to be back in the sunshine.  The weather was gloomy and drizzling there and there definitely wasn’t a white Christmas this year, but it did not put a damper on the fun we had.

Of course the highlight for all of us was our precious granddaughter’s first Christmas.  She is starting to react and play a bit and we couldn’t get enough of her.  It was sad to leave, but Megan is good about sending photos and videos, so that makes it a bit easier.

Some of the highlights included Christmas celebrations with both sides of our family, Audrey meeting her great grandmother, a fun and relaxing two days at our daughter’s house that included Audrey’s first outing to a sculpture garden and even a brewery, where she was the perfect baby for her momma. Last but not least, we ended the trip with an overdue engagement celebration for Melissa and Kevin that included his parents and a toast to their July wedding.

I love family time and I especially love family time when it involves staying in, cooking, playing cards and a lot of catching up.  Christmas 2023 is in the books and I couldn’t be happier.


  1. Sounds like a perfect celebration to me...babies and brides : )

    1. Exciting months ahead! Hope you had a Christmas surrounded by the little ones too!

  2. Babies and Brides!!! Perfect description of your life right now!!! Glad your Christmas was happy and bright even if you had to wear a coat!!! Heheh!

  3. What a wonderful thing to spend her first Christmas with your granddaughter. There's nothing like being a granddaughter.

  4. Sounds perfect and so fun..All the best to you in 2024..

  5. My friend's birthday party Snapchat filter maker that I made for her was a huge success! Everyone enjoyed using it to take photographs, making the celebration more memorable. The concept and setup were surprisingly simple. Plus, watching how everyone used the filter throughout the night for their photographs was entertaining. I think it would be perfect for your next gathering!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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