Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Baby Watch

At the moment, I am trying to keep my calendar open and be prepared to drop everything, pack quickly and travel to Michigan for the birth of my first grandchild.  We plan to drive since the timing is unknown and it is still hurricane season which can make airline reservations stressful.  It will take us about a day and a half to arrive, with a one night stop on the way, so while we won’t make it for a hospital visit, we will be there pretty quick.  I am ok not getting to the hospital and leaving that time for parents and baby.

Becoming a grandmother and watching your daughter become a mother is an interesting and emotional experience and I plan to take things as they come.  I also plan to let her lead the way in how much help she wants.  We have discussed this a lot and I think it is best to give her time after the birth to see how it all feels with a newborn in the house.  We are open to anything, even staying at a hotel if that is easier on all.

But, the main thing is getting a chance to hold that sweet girl and start a loving and life long relationship.  I plan to soak it all in and never forget this special time for our family.



  1. Grandbabies are life-changing!! I know that you will be a wonderful Grandma. I've been at the hospital for all but one of ours, (Baby J in London), and it was a wonderful experience but I definitely would have waited if that had been the parents preference. Our oldest granddaughter just graduated high school this year and is in college. I'm only 63! How did that happen?
    Blessings to you and your daughter and prayers for a healthy baby and easy delivery.

  2. So exciting...I'm happy for you!

  3. Yes, there are the “official plans” and then there is the actuality of birth, exhaustion, etc., …….,. You are wise and loving to step back and be able to step in when needed. My friends have told me, as an ‘out of state’ grandma, to hold off until everything falls apart until I am REALLY needed,….haha, it is difficult to time all my cross country travel and the needs of a family with a new baby… lots of adjustments on both sides!! Lots of happiness too!

    1. Good advise - thank you. I will be back again in Mid November and I think more help will be needed then.

  4. wishing you safe travels… hope all goes well. It’s an exciting time for everybody. Enjoy.

  5. So So Happy for you! Get ready because when you see The Circle of Life actually happen in your presence? Your firstborn giving birth to her firstborn?? Well…no words to describe! Just have LOTS of Kleenex with you!!! ๐Ÿ˜˜

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. (Comment removed to correct typo.) So happy for you and great advice! We are anticipating our first grandchild's arrival in mid-Dec. Daughter & SIL live 6 hours away. Exciting and precious times!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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