Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Tomato Jam

There is a phrase going around instagram called “girl dinner”. It means not cooking a traditional meal, but just putting something light and snacky together in the evening like cheese and crackers and some fruit. More and more, that is how I like to eat dinner and luckily my husband does too.  

When I saw this recipe for Tomato Jam, I decided to try it as a yummy “girl dinner” idea.  It was really easy to make and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.  My idea was to take a toasted baguette, spread it with a soft cheese and finally the tomato jam on the top. 

It was the perfect little bite.  Flavorful, slightly spicy and also with a crunch factor from the toasted bread.  It is a perfect pairing with a glass of wine too.  Savory jam was not on my radar, but this recipe has me wanting to scroll Pinterest for more ideas.

Happy Wednesday!

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