Monday, August 28, 2023

In August


August is a month that is flying by and here are some of the things I did, as well as how the month is finishing up.

The biggest thing was my trip to Michigan at the beginning of the month.  I wrote a blog post about the baby shower I helped host for my daughter, but didn’t mention all the other things I did on what was a whirlwind of a week.  I was able to meet up some good friends for breakfasts, lunches and dinners.  Melissa and her boyfriend took me to a really great new restaurant in downtown Detroit and we were able to celebrate Melissa’s 30th birthday with a family dinner on a beautiful Michigan night.

The middle of the month was quiet and relaxing, but I did oversee the planting of 23 trees in my neighborhood which was a big job.  As landscape chair for my HOA, the recovery from Hurricane Ian has been challenging and is ongoing, even many months later.

Speaking of hurricanes, we are preparing for Idalia, which will hit somewhere on my side of the gulf coast Tuesday and Wednesday. At this time, it looks to be going north of us, but change in direction is possible, so we are under a hurricane watch.  Hopefully for us, we will only have to worry about the outer bands with rain and some wind.  It’s not a hurricane shutter event, but we may be securing anything that could fly around. We will know by Tuesday.  I know there are blog friends in hurricane states that totally get the uncertainty.

Finally, Megan had another baby shower on Saturday and I was sad I couldn’t be there.  I love living in Florida, but part of that means you can’t do everything.  It’s these bigger life events that are the hardest to miss, but I do my best and will continue to go back as much as possible.  The next trip will be for baby girl’s birth in October.  

Happy Monday and send Florida all your good thoughts as we start hurricane season once again. And I will try not to stress about the constantly updating forecast models and maps and the ever changing path :-)


  1. I am glad that you were able to to go to at least one baby shower. I understand the missing out part as all of our kids lived, (lived), far away at one time or another and our boys still do. This is your first grandchild isn't it? You will never be the same again!
    Praying for you and other Floridians safety throughout the coming hurricane season as well as this week. I imagine that it can be scary to live there at times. But the beauty the rest of the year is worth it.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Thank you for all the kind words! Life is about to get more fun!

  2. Baby time!! Hope all is well..Wishing you safety from the hurricane. Hope it misses you..Be well..

    1. We are just now getting the outer bands with tropical storm winds and rain. Nothing like Ian, so we will be fine.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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