Monday, August 7, 2023

A Pink Baby Shower


My daughter Melissa and I hosted a baby shower for my oldest daughter Megan this weekend and it was a special day for all of us.  

We wanted a small, intimate family shower and achieved that by putting up a tent in Melissa’s pretty backyard.  We brought in details like pretty dishes, pink striped linens, pink poufs hanging from the tent roof and colorful florals.  Menu cards listed our catered menu of Caesar salad, Chicken Picatta and mini Strawberry Shortcakes.  We also served pink sangria in a pretty beverage container, along with lemon water and assorted wine.  The weather was a little damp at times, but we were cozy and dry under the tent.

Megan was showered with so many cute pink gifts, as well as all the practical things you need for a first baby. We had asked the guests to bring bows in lieu of cards and sweet baby girl will definitely have a bow for every occasion. The love for her and baby girl was evident all afternoon.

Melissa is excited to be an Auntie and I am over the moon to be a Nana.  This was our way of showing Megan that we can’t wait for baby girl to join our family.


  1. That all looks lovely! How exciting! I love your dress, too. -Jenn

  2. Looks like a lovely shower. Such a happy season of life you're entering and I know you will enjoy spoiling baby girl soon.

  3. Wow..What a lovely baby shower...nice venue..Cute dress..

    1. It was in my daughter’s backyard, but we tried step it up a bit and thanks!

  4. What a beautiful setting for a baby shower! Your two daughters are gorgeous! Congratulations on becoming a Nana, nothing sweeter in life than having a little grandbaby! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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