Thursday, June 22, 2023

Top Books Read So Far in 2023


We are halfway through the reading year and my reading has stepped up lately.  The only television I am watching currently is the new season of Outlander, major golf tournaments and Tigers baseball.  There are shows on my to watch list, but I find myself preferring to read.  When it is so hot outside, my way to feel cool in the afternoon (besides pool time) is to be in the air conditioning, close the blinds, have a fan blowing on me, use a light blanket and read.

 I have read 46 books so far this year, but luckily for my bank account, the majority are borrowed from the library.  Of that 46, I have been reading my way through the Sue Grafton “alphabet” series featuring private detective Kinsey Millhone.  First published in 1982 and set in the 1980’s throughout the series, it is amazing how well a revisit holds up. The lack of cell phones and laptop computers is a little jarring and a reminder how much more difficult it was to communicate when you had to find a pay phone to make a call away from home. Or go to the library to do research rather than trusty google.  Kinsey is a great all time fictional women detective.

My favorites so far are in no particular order and linked to Amazon.  



Happy Reading!


  1. I have read all of Sue Grafton's Books .... they are really good. It is a shame though that the last one was not published before she passed away. She had it half way written.

    Take Care & Happy Reading

    Linda K, Buttercup

    1. I just read that despite her wishes her husband will be finishing the z book and also has sold the rights of the books to tv.

  2. Only three favorites out of 48?

  3. This seems to be the week of book reviews..lots of good suggestions in case I decide to read...hanks..Have a good weekend...

    1. I think it is the realization that 2023 is halfway over!

  4. I’ve been reading more lately too!
    You better be watching our Tigers!!!
    Championship game tonight…be There or Be Square!!! 😘

    1. Different Tigers - Detroit Tigers! But the CWS is amazing this year 👏🏼

  5. That was me, jmac 👆🏻. Blogger makes me so mad these days…


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