Friday, June 9, 2023

Nana Time



I have been keeping keeping a secret, but my daughter has now shared on social media, so I feel comfortable sharing too.  In October, Megan and Adam will be bringing home a sweet little girl and we are all very excited and thankful.

We are in the midst of planning a baby shower and I have to control myself from buying all the things; especially the pink ones.  I notice playgrounds in my city that I never really noticed before.  Life for our family will change in a big way and I can’t wait to do all the girly things I enjoyed so much with my daughters. 

When we moved to Florida and finally did the big downsize, I got rid of many of the toys that had been saved in my basement.  What I did keep in the hopes for a future grandchild was a well used tea set that my daughters and I had so much fun with over the years.  We would spread a blanket on the floor and have tea party picnics, complete with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut in fun shapes and pink lemonade.  

I have never been one to push for a grandchild or felt lacking in my life, but now that Nana time is close, I am so looking forward to all those sweet and special times a little one brings to a family.  

Happy Friday!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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