Thursday, April 6, 2023

Easter Cocktail - Drunk Bunny


This is a new to me cocktail and while it is a fun pink cocktail for Easter, I like it so much, it may become my go to pool cocktail too.

It’s the perfect cocktail to make at home, because there are only 4 ingredients that you probably have on hand or are easy to keep on hand - lemonade, frozen raspberries, Malibu Rum and Chambord  (raspberry liquor).  You could switch things up and substitute pink lemonade or raspberry vodka as well.

In a rocks size glass, place crushed ice, a handful of frozen raspberries, 2 ounces Malibu Rum and 1 ounce Chambord (gives it the pink color). Top with lemonade.  Stir and enjoy!

Have a happy and blessed Holy Weekend and Easter.


  1. Sounds good...I don't have any of those things on hand..LOL..Happy Easter

    1. My liquor cabinet is full because I like to try new cocktails 😊


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