Tuesday, March 7, 2023

A Visit and Red Tide


Megan, my older daughter came to visit last week and we had beautiful, warm sunshiny weather, so we used the pool a lot.  Unfortunately, we are dealing with Red Tide here on the gulf coast and it is the worst I have seen it.  It is usually a summertime event, but because of all the run off and overflow from Hurricane Ian it is affecting spring break.

If you don’t know about Red Tide, it is basically a respiratory irritant.  Sometimes you might feel a tickle in your throat, but when it is bad you cough and cough.  My daughter likes to walk the beaches, but there was no way that was happening this past weekend.  There is also a lot of dead fish, so the smell is unpleasant too.  It does come and go with each day depending on the wind direction, so north or east winds are what we hope for.

Inland is fine, so we were able to find things too do, just not our usual activities on the water.  When people come to visit, I like to take them to the places with pretty water views and tropical vibes, so I really had to think about a different style of restaurant with indoor dining.  

As usual, it was a much needed catch up and I loved having her here.  We walked a lot and even managed to sneak in some water shots despite the coughing.  Not the beach trip she had hoped for, but still lots of Florida sunshine.


  1. I'm so sorry your visit wasn't what you would have wished for your daughter. But then, at least she wasn't dealing with cold and snow up north and she had you both to visit with. :-) I'm sure the next visit will be with normal Florida fun. I'm so glad you were able to see her and spend time with her. I have never heard of Red Tide before. That's a scary thing.
    I hope it's better now and that you have a great week!

    1. It’s not a new thing, but you just hear about it more like everything else that is bad.

  2. Sorry about the red tide...It's been a long time but I can remember how miserable it is..Glad you had a nice visit with your daughter ..regardless..Nice that it goes away!!!

    1. Just need the wind to shift and blow it out into the gulf 🤞

  3. I have been seeing stories about the red tide and lots of seaweed. Glad you got to have a nice visit with your daughter! I know you both enjoyed it so much! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. It’s better lately, but it also depends on which way the wind blows.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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