Wednesday, February 8, 2023

5 Books I Wish I Could Read Again For The First Time

I saw someone posted about this thought provoking list and it has been on my mind.  There are books in my long book loving history that have stayed with me and given me the love of the way a writer’s words can make you feel.  They have given me the gift of becoming immersed in a story that takes you places you would never experience in your real life.  They have given me the gift of beautiful words that have influenced my own love of writing.  At the time in my life when I read them, they were exactly what I needed to read.

It took some thought and it was hard to narrow it down to just five, but these five are a representation of books that I not only loved, but are like old friends that I can pick up and read again with the same enjoyment as the first time.  But, like the point of this post, oh how I would love to experience each one of them for the first time.  

There are many more I considered, (including the first Harry Potter book) but the true test for me is the reread and all of these are high in that number.  What are your five?


  1. You've got a few of my all-time favorites here. Definitely Pride and Prejudice and Outlander -- though it's too violent for me to read again. I need to think about my other choices.

    1. It’s so interesting to think about. There are a bunch of crime series that I love too where the first book set the stage of many years of enjoyment.

  2. These are classics! I don't read many novels. I like biographies: Julie Andrews, Carrie Fisher, Presidents Obama and Bush...

    1. Under The Tuscan Sun in a Memoir - about her life in Tuscany. The movie is good, but the book is better!

  3. I agree with the crime series ones..I haven't read for years sadly..No time..I just can't put a book down once it grabs me so I get nothing else done..I am familiar with each of those books but haven't read them..Maybe some day ???

    1. Always more books to read - the classics as well as the newly published thank goodness!


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