Friday, January 13, 2023

Prosecco and Vodka Grapes


This is the time in January when I am ready for the month to be over and start to think about Valentines Day.  January is my least favorite month even though I really can’t complain about the weather like I when I lived in Michigan and it meant endless gray skies.  I don’t do resolutions, make a word of the year or generally do a lot of introspection about the old or new year.  I just like to get on with my routine after the business of the holiday and for me, that is a good thing.

So, if you are in your routine too, but starting to think about the next fun holiday, these little bites of deliciousness are such a fun way to celebrate adult style.

Here is how I made them and it couldn’t be simpler.  

Place about 1 pound of green grapes in a medium sized bowl. Pour in enough Prosecco to cover grapes.  Add 2 ounces Vodka.  Cover bowl and let sit overnight.  Drain liquid, roll grapes in sugar and put 2 or 3 on a toothpick to serve.

Enjoy and Happy Friday!


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