Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Life Lately

Well, it’s been busier than I like, but all fun things, so I can’t really complain.  And, it’s the same for everyone this time of year; shopping, wrapping, organizing, entertaining and fun holiday events leading up to Christmas.  Once I ship my gifts today, the pace can be a little slower.  We have a fun night of dinner at a favorite restaurant and spectacular Christmas lights in Sarasota planned for Saturday and then the countdown to family begins.  As usual, we have a full itinerary of family events Christmas weekend (and after), but I wouldn’t want it any other way. 

Photos along the way include a golf luncheon planned by me, Christmas shopping with blue sky and palm trees and a dinner party at my house with good friends - any excuse to use all my pretty Christmas dishes and glassware.


At the dinner party I served an old favorite martini and I forgot how festive it looks and it is delicious too.  I used to hand it to people when they walked in the door on Christmas night. It brings the Christmas spirit - give it a try :-)

Candy Cane Martini


  1. I love this time of the year, one day at a time and then whew... it's all over for another year. You all look like you are having a wonderful time together. Enjoy your evening dear friend, HUGS!

    1. I like the part coming up when all the busy work is done and you can just enjoy the season.

  2. It looks like so much fun, especially the candy cane martini in the festive green glass. Merry Christmas!

    1. I am all about festive 😀 Merry Christmas to you 🎄

  3. Looks like fun times! Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. I can relate..I need a day off!! Merry Chrismas

    1. The past two days have had a slower pace and it’s been great. One more week!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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