Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix


Even in Florida, a nice cup of cocoa tastes great now and then.  Here is my dilemma - Keurig hot cocoa cups have too much sugar and taste way too sweet and making cocoa the traditional way with chocolate syrup is also full of sugar.  I wanted to find a solution where I could control the amount of sugar and chocolate flavor. Looking through Pinterest, I decided to try the 4 Ingredient Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix that I could scoop into a mug and utilize the hot water feature on my Keurig.

It is easy to put together, easy to prepare and individual cup and exactly the flavor I was looking for.  I like to use my frother as a last step for really foamy cocoa too.  Also, one of my favorite things to do during the holidays is to add a shot of peppermint flavored vodka for a fun seasonal adult style hot drink.

This recipe is really easy to adjust too,  Either add more or less cocoa powder  or sugar depending on your taste.



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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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