Thursday, December 1, 2022

Decembering - Florida Style


It really hits that Christmas is so close when December 1st shows up on the calendar.  And, this year I feel ahead of the game, so I can enjoy the festivities.  Coming up in our Florida style Christmas is a boat parade on the Intercoastal and a Christmas lighted bike and golf cart parade in my neighborhood.  I am also planning a luncheon before golf with my neighborhood golf group.  Plus, many other opportunities for Christmas cocktails, including beach happy hours.  

My decorations are up and each year I add a bit more colorful Florida style.  Starfish are technically stars right!? I have very little shopping to do - just one quick trip to the mall and a few stocking stuffers.  I will wrap and ship no later than the 15th, so that piece will be off my mind too. Even my Christmas cards are ordered and all they need are address labels.

I wondered when we moved to Florida how easy it would be to get into the holiday spirit without snow.  It’s different, but also colorful and fun.  Palm trees with Christmas lights are my favorite.

Happy December!


  1. Your decorations are so pretty. We've been on Maui during three different trips for most of December and the decorations really surprised me the first time. After that, I fell in love with them. I would love no snow and warmer weather for Christmas!

    1. It takes some getting used too but with the warm weather, a different style just looks right.

  2. The south is just fun, isn’t it??!!

  3. Looks like you are all set..different? Yes but still festive..I have done nothing much yet..House is being painted and had all my attention..

  4. Change doies take adjusting but the upside, lighted boats and golfing in Dec! 8 degrees this a.m. in central MN.

    1. Was still in the 70’s last night for the parade 😀

  5. Same to you! Looking forward to lots of light displays all month long! Tis the season!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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