Thursday, December 29, 2022

A White Christmas


We are back in Florida after a frigid and snowy visit to Michigan for Christmas, but as always the family fun made it all worthwhile.  Our travel was relatively smooth, considering all the chaos, but I think we managed to get out of Florida, just in front of the worst of the cancellations.  And did not fly Southwest, thank goodness.  

The house we rented for a second time was cozy and close to my daughter’s home.  We braved the snow and cold like true Michiganders (even though our Florida bones were not used to it) and had several lovely holiday dinners and brunches, attended Christmas morning mass at a beautiful old church, exchanged many gifts and enjoyed festive drinks.  

Our annual night of fun, the day after Christmas had 18 of us at a bowling alley with fierce team competition happening.  We all remarked how lucky we are that all the parents and the young adult children still love to get together.  

It’s difficult not having our own home to host Christmas celebrations during the holidays, but we have learned each year how to make a rented house feel special and to make the most of our Christmas visit.  For us, the holidays will always be about snowy Michigan and fun family time. 


  1. It looks like a wonderful time! How nice that everyone enjoys time together. We spent a quiet day together. At least we we warm in our little apartment and not sitting at an airport, right? I hope the chaos all ends before my flight to London in two weeks. I definitely don't want to be stranded far away!

    1. As long as you are not flying Southwest you should be fine. Delta was great this trip. Happy New Year and safe travels!

  2. Oh what a fun time! I know you enjoyed every moment with family and friends. Nice that you didn't fly SW! Happy New Year! HUGS!

    1. I would have been so sad to have missed Christmas. Feel bad for so many that did!

  3. What joy filled pictures! I'm so glad you avoided any flight woes!

  4. Fun!!! Happy New Year!

  5. Sounds like you had a lovely time! Happy New Year!

  6. Glad you had a fun and uneventful celebration..Happy New Year!!

  7. Nice post thank you Nathan

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