Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Wedding Weekend in Virginia


Our niece was married this past Saturday in Manassas, Virginia and we flew in Friday looking forward to a fun family weekend.  It was a quick trip, but spent great quality time with our daughters, so that is always a bonus of family weddings.

We had time to relax before the wedding with a welcome party on Friday and free time during the day on Saturday.  We found a lovely spot for brunch and Bloody Marys (Founding Farmer’s) followed by a visit to The Winery at Bull Run where we sat at a picnic table on the grounds and enjoyed a beautiful late fall afternoon.

The wedding was at a very nice, rural venue that mixed rustic with crystal chandeliers and suited the couple very well.  There was delicious food and the dance floor was full all night with a good amount of Latin music for the groom and his family who traveled from Puerto Rico. 

We all stayed an extra day to go into DC and walk the National Mall. Having been several times, it is still such a great experience and even though it had turned cold and windy, the bright blue sky was a perfect backdrop for the monuments.  I had not seen the WWII monument and it is so well done.  

As always, it is hard to say goodbye, but the holidays are coming fast and we will all be together then.  Family time, no matter the occasion, is always the best time.


  1. Our daughter lives in Virginia and we've been to Bull Run... great place! Glad you had a great weekend.

  2. It looks like a great time. When our daughter lived just outside of D.C. we would go to the National Mall everytime we visited. To me it never looses it's awe inspiring majesty.
    Great photos of all of your family.

    1. It really is a wonderful spot. All the monuments within walking distance and site lines. Especially on a blue sky day 😀

  3. Such a lovely family…full of love!!
    And I’m so impressed that you Florida gal has a warm coat!! I should get one!!

    1. It was really a fall coat that I got for fall in DC…then it turned into winter overnight so I had to layer and use the gloves I brought just in case lol

  4. So many wonderful photos.

  5. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago with HIV and have lived taking ARV and thought of having Herbal medicine to cure this disease completely. I wouldn't be able to bear Vomiting and my tongue would go white because of these diseases called HIV/Aids. I learned to live with it but I have definitely prayed and had hands laid on me, My friends at work knew about my HIV Status so on a faithful day my friend Hannah talk to me about this great man called Dr Itua From west African because my friend Hannah is from West African too she came to acquire degree here in South Carolina, I accepted the challenge and contacted Dr Itua Herbal also chats on Whatsapp Number.+2348149277967. Then he delivered his Herbal medicine to me which was labeled as Dr Itua Herbal Medicine Cure For HIV/Aids, I took it as he instructed. After two weeks I went to the test and I was tested Negative. I'm still writing on every blog site related to the following diseases such as HIV/Aids, Herpes Virus, Shingles, Hepatitis B/C, Because he cures this kind of disease.    


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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