Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Thanksgiving Weekend in Photos


We were blessed with beautiful weather over Thanksgiving weekend which made for a lovely visit from my daughter Melissa, her boyfriend and their puppy Winston.  We spent a lot of time poolside, ate delicious food, drank yummy cocktails in St. Armands Circle, did a little boating and watched a lot of MSU football and basketball.  We ventured to the Jetty and watched the boats with coffee and sunshine too.  

More importantly, my husband and I celebrated our 40th anniversary on Saturday.  From East Lansing and MSU where we met freshman year to our life in beautiful Florida with stops in Texas, Tennessee, New Jersey and our home state of Michigan twice, it’s been an adventure.  Melissa asked about the best parts and when you look at 40 years of marriage, I am lucky to say there are too many to name just a few.

We missed Megan and Adam, but Christmas comes soon and it will be family time again.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Remembering How to Make a Pie Crust


I grew up in the typical Midwestern small town where making your own pies was the norm.  I never saw my mother buy a pie from the store or use a frozen pie crust.  Making a pie crust was simple with the right recipe. Somewhere over the years, I lost the desire and definitely did not take the time to bake pies from scratch. Even when I hosted Thanksgiving for a crowd, pies were something I asked others to bring.

But, this Thanksgiving,  I decided to dust off my apron and my baking skills and make a pumpkin pie the old fashioned way.  I found a very simple pie crust recipe using, flour, salt, butter flavored crisco and water.  The dough came together like a charm and how to roll the crust and crimp the edges all came back to me.  

I was covered in flour from head to toe, my kitchen as well, but it was like my mother was standing next to me cheering me on.  Yes, buying a pie is easier, but there is something to be said for family traditions and taking the time to remember that.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The recipe I used:

Penny’s Perfect Pie Crust

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Wedding Weekend in Virginia


Our niece was married this past Saturday in Manassas, Virginia and we flew in Friday looking forward to a fun family weekend.  It was a quick trip, but spent great quality time with our daughters, so that is always a bonus of family weddings.

We had time to relax before the wedding with a welcome party on Friday and free time during the day on Saturday.  We found a lovely spot for brunch and Bloody Marys (Founding Farmer’s) followed by a visit to The Winery at Bull Run where we sat at a picnic table on the grounds and enjoyed a beautiful late fall afternoon.

The wedding was at a very nice, rural venue that mixed rustic with crystal chandeliers and suited the couple very well.  There was delicious food and the dance floor was full all night with a good amount of Latin music for the groom and his family who traveled from Puerto Rico. 

We all stayed an extra day to go into DC and walk the National Mall. Having been several times, it is still such a great experience and even though it had turned cold and windy, the bright blue sky was a perfect backdrop for the monuments.  I had not seen the WWII monument and it is so well done.  

As always, it is hard to say goodbye, but the holidays are coming fast and we will all be together then.  Family time, no matter the occasion, is always the best time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Quick Pumpkin Butter Recipe


I made a small batch of this pumpkin butter this morning and it is delicious.  So quick and easy too.  The added bonus is the scent while cooking is better than any fall candle you can buy!

Using up 1/2 can of pumpkin puree that was in my refrigerator, I added 1/8 cup of maple syrup, 1/8 cup water, 2 tsp Truvia for baking,  1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/8 tsp ginger, 1/8 tsp cloves and 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice.  For a full can of pumpkin puree, double all ingredients.

In a small saucepan, bring all ingredients to a boil, then simmer for 20 minutes stirring occasionally.  Cool and place in an air tight container to store in the refrigerator.

I use on english muffins, toast or my favorite, swirl a bit into oatmeal.

Another storm coming for Florida so, getting cozy inside these next few days.  Happy Tuesday!

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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