Sunday, October 30, 2022

Late Fall Reading List


All of a sudden, my saved reading list on Amazon is full.  There are always books saved by favorite authors to be read in the future months, but sometimes not so many for right now.  I was really happy to find quite a few that appealed to me when I was searching for new releases.  I also appreciate all of you recommending books you have read.  We all have different reading tastes, but I have learned many of you do like the same books as I do.

The Barbara Kingsolver, Susan Elia MacNeal, Jodi Picoult all have great reviews, so I am willing to give them a try.  All three author’s last books were disappointing to me.  I haven’t been a Sally Hempworth fan, but this one sounded more my style.

Here is my late fall reading list and links to Amazon for Kindle.  Let me know if you read and enjoy.

Amazon Link


  1. I wonder if the MacNeal is a Maggie Hope. I love that series!

    1. It’s a new mother daughter spy team set in California if I recall correctly.

  2. I have done quite a bit of reading this year which feels good. I don't know if you've read Everything Sad Is Untrue but its a good one. It had been on my to-read list a while, several people had recommended it to me and I finally got to it.


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