Monday, September 19, 2022

Saturday Shots


Fall is subtle here.  No great cool down yet, but the mornings do begin to start off with a noticeable difference. Saturday morning was sunny and just a bit fresher feeling, so I walked through the downtown Farmer’s Market, before walking on to the beach to briefly put my toes in the water.  I never take for granted that near the sand and surf is how I can start my day if I choose.  The colors of the market, followed by the always blue water and sky make me happy.  Come along with me through these Saturday shots.


  1. Nice pictures. Farmer’s Market is one of the places I always love to visit.

    1. I love mine. It’s not crazy big, but has a lot of great items. My favorite thing is to go and put together a meal with what I find.

  2. Beautiful pictures. That ocean just calls me. We live 5 minutes from the water but it's Puget Sound, very different from the ocean. But I do love it. The Farmer's Market! I still haven't been to ours this year. Thank you for the reminder!

    1. It’s the Gulf of Mexico, so rarely big waves and always shades of blue.

  3. Beauty all around you. I love fresh veggies. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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