Friday, September 16, 2022

Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Casserole


Another thing I find I am late to the party for is Half Baked Harvest recipes.  She is big with the twenty something crowd i.e. my daughters.  Once I started following her on Instagram, I found myself pinning her daily recipe stories a lot.  But, this is the first recipe I have actually tried.  I would call it a partial success.  Find the recipe here.

Here is what I would do different next time.  First, I did make it without the chicken in the original recipe, just because I am trying to eat less meat and it is fine either way.  Second, definitely add more liquid (chicken broth and milk both) and don’t let all the liquid absorb before putting it in the oven to finish.  It needs that extra liquid while baking or it becomes quite dry.  The flavor was A+ and I will make it again, with these changes.

It is an easy, quick and family friendly recipe, just right for busy fall nights.

Happy Friday!


  1. It looks delish! Have a great weekend, Vicki!

  2. That is a very old recipe but thanks for sharing. I rarely cook these days. That one is good for leftovers so it would be worth doing.Hope you’re having a good weekend.

  3. Thank you for sharing, I love a good casserole. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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