Sunday, July 17, 2022

What My Book Club is Reading

As summer speeds along, my book club is getting prepared for our resumption in the fall.  We have a process where we all suggest a book or two that we have read and liked.  Then, this list is compiled and put out via email for a vote, with the top seven chosen as our books for the year.  If you are like me and love a good book list, it’s a great process because not only do I get to read the seven chosen, but also have a bigger list of all the recommendations.  

I thought you might enjoy seeing and maybe reading along with the books we will be reading and discussing. Two of the books I recommended were top vote getters (Finding Mrs. Ford and The Nature of Fragile Things).  I will be leading the discussion on Finding Mrs. Ford which takes place in Detroit in the late seventies and an era in Detroit that is very familiar to me.  It is also a great read with a twist you won’t see coming.

The other books are a range of genres, but we tend to pick books with strong female characters which invite great discussions.

Happy Reading!


  1. I'm not a reader but have friends who are...Haven't heard of those books..I'll pass them on..

    1. I’m sure they would love it - readers love reading lists!

  2. The Wife Between Us.....have you read the series of this title?? Been wondering if I need to read all of them to keep up with the story...
    Looks like you're having a fabulous summer!!!! 108 here yesterday. I'm done with it.....

    1. Have not read any by this author yet. And yes it is so hot I am over it too, but it’s only July. Bring on October and a hurricane free September!

  3. I loved Finding Mrs. Ford!! Also The Maid. Enjoy your Summer, Vicki!

    1. It was a great read, plus so many references to places I knew. I love that in a book :-)

  4. Thanks for this list! Will check them out as I plan some vacation reading.


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