Friday, July 8, 2022

Spiced Peach Overnight Oats


At one point, I was on an overnight oats kick and tried many different flavors.  Then, I have to say, I forgot about how it was the perfect summertime breakfast.  Because it has been so hot here (even worse than our usual heat) I started thinking how cold, creamy oatmeal would be just the thing.  And, I am loving the fresh Georgia peaches available right now.  

I dug into the back of my cupboard for a mason jar with a lid and quickly put together this recipe.  It’s really just a method of layering ingredients and you can change up the fruit to pretty much anything.  By preparing ahead of time and placing the jar in the refrigerator, you have a delicious breakfast ready and waiting in the morning.

Now that I have rediscovered this, I think it will be a staple in these hot months. What flavor should I make next?

Spiced Overnight Oats

Peel and chop 1 ripe peach in small pieces.  Place in a mason jar.

Layer as follows:

1/2 cup oats

1/2 Tsp sugar or sweetener of choice

Dash of cinnamon

Dash of nutmeg

Dash of ground ginger

1/2 cup low fat milk

Put on lid, shake and place in refrigerator until morning. Stir and add a splash of milk if desired.

Hint:  if you use blueberries, try 1 T maple syrup as the sweetener 


  1. That does look and sound delicious, especially on these hot and sultry summer mornings. Thank you for the recicpe.

  2. My Sister makes overnight oats, I will share this with her. Enjoy your day and try to stay cool! HUGS!

  3. I'll have to share this one with Rick!

  4. I've not had overnight oats for ages, must prepare some. This is actually something that we would eat for a light dinner in the summer as I was growing up, with lots and lots of fruit.

    1. I forgot about them too. Must go buy more peaches and make more!

  5. Used to eat these often..must revisit..thanks for reminding me!!

    1. It was definitely a blogger “fad” for a while, but they are worth revisiting!

  6. Gonna try this one. I need some breakfast inspiration and I have done overnight oats before but not in a long while. I know everyone talks about Georgia peaches, but South Carolina peaches are king : )

    1. I am obsessed with peaches right now. Michigan peaches are pretty good too! Closest and freshest is best always 😀

  7. Catching up here. I also love overnight oats for summer! No cooking needed.


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