Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Life Lately


First, where did July go and how is it almost August?  I have been busy doing a lot of gardening and planting for my neighborhood, as well as so much trimming in my own yard.  Rainy season is growing season and everything tropical is thriving. I am taking a break for now, because even in the mornings, it is just too hot.

My golf group is down to one foursome, but we are getting out as early in the day as we can and it hasn’t been too bad.  I still look forward to the return of our snowbirds, because more golfers equals more fun. This photo shows the stormy skies that are always a possibility when golfing in Florida in the rainy season.

I took a drive to Trader Joe’s in Sarasota last week and I have decided, I am not a Trader Joe’s person. Some things are good, but I’m not really a prepared food shopper and for ingredients for cooking actual recipes, I prefer the more traditional Publix.  If you are lucky enough to be able to shop at a Publix, you know what I mean. I did try this creamer and love it though.

The past two Mondays have been lunch out and catching up with friends kind of days.  Both included delicious seafood and beautiful water views.  Life in Florida where you can pick any number of pretty waterside locations is special.

Lastly, I have been making travel arrangements for two more family weddings.  Also, a visit to see my daughter in Pittsburgh very soon.  The wedding in October will also include a extended trip to northern Michigan for golf, visits with friends and a two night stay on Mackinac Island, one of my favorite spots. Northern Michigan in the fall is spectacular and sweatshirt weather sounds heavenly on this 100 degree day.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I can't wait to follow along on your fall travels. We are coming out of our heat wave in Texas, and it actually feels nice to have highs in the 90s instead of 100s! I feel the same way about Trader Joe's. I like some of their unique products, but the prices seem high in our area. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. We still have 2 months of high temps plus humidity plus a thunderstorm every afternoon - using my pool a lot!

  2. I'm not a Trader Joe's fan either. I was so disappointed the first time I went to one. the prices were crazy. Our weather has been hotter than normal too... looking forward to some cooler weather next week.

    1. It seems like I buy things I don’t really need just to “try”. Same with Aldi.

  3. I would love to visit Florida sometime. It always looks so nice! I hope the wedding planning goes well.

  4. Sounds like you’re having excellent dog days of summer!! I am dying in this heat. We’ve had 107-8 days. Everything I own outside is burned to a crisp..I am so over summer. And you are the 3rd person to tell me they’re going to Makinaw Island!
    I’ve never been to Michigan..sounds like I need to get there!!
    You’re gonna have so much fun!!

    1. Is is a special place - you get there by ferry so no cars, horses and wagons deliver your luggage to your hotel and you can bike the whole way around the island. Plus a cute downtown with shopping, restaurants and fudge shops.

  5. That above is me..jmac. Don’t know why it won’t publish my comments anymore

  6. A sweatshirt sounds devine..It's going to be a long time though..We have had many 90 degree days so far and more to come here in PA..We also need rain badly..Tired of watering..It sounds like you have a few travels coming up..Good for you..I've never been to Mackinac Island...Enjoy

    1. Heading to PA to visit my daughter and hoping for at least a little bit cooler weather!

  7. We've had temps in the 90's here and I've been doing the same: getting up extra early to get things done before the heat hits. Your trips this fall sound wonderful!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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