Saturday, June 4, 2022

Top Gun Maverick Review

First, how great to be back in a movie theater for the first time in a long time.  And, this was the perfect movie to see on a big screen.  There has been a great renovation since our last visit to our local movie theater and it is very nice now with big, leather reclining seats, trays with cup holders and even a cocktail bar.

As for the movie, it was so good.  A perfect sequel to the original with a lot of references in both imagery and dialogue.  The focal point of the plot was Maverick’s past relationships with Goose and Ice, featuring a cameo by Val Kilmer and the strained relationship with Goose’s son.  

The action and fighter jet sequences left you on the edge of your seat, the romance with Jennifer Connelly had Jerry McGuire vibes and there were even a few tears shed by me in two touching scenes.  

And, Tom Cruise (despite his weirdness in real life) is a movie star with a capital M and still plays the part of Maverick to perfection with his trademark smile, cockiness and wit. Goose’s son, Rooster is perfectly cast and his introduction when he walks into the bar on base will have you saying wow.

It’s a feel good movie and who doesn’t need that right now.


  1. Oh Vicki, I'm so happy you liked it! My plan is so see it very soon and I'm so happy to hear it was good! What you said about Tom Cruise is so true!
    Have a nice evening.

    1. I love all his movies especially the Mission Impossible, but him personally, not so much.

  2. Oh yes, we are having a date night this week to see it! I can't wait. Thanks for the review! Enjoy this beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Glad you got out and that you enjoyed the movie. We have theaters like that around here but no bar that I know of. Enjoy your Sunday!

  4. We're going on a date this week to see it too. It's good to hear an opinion from someone who has seen both the old and new movies. I agree whole-heartedly on your opinion of Tom Cruise. Our theater that we liked and was close to our house in Spokane was remodeled with the reclining seats too, but I haven't been to a movie since we moved back to Omaha.
    Have a great week.

    1. Hope you like it! Leave me a message and let me know what you think!

  5. Top Gun is one of our very favorite movies. We plan to go see it, but after the initial "rush" is over and we're sure the theater won't be crowded. Have a great week!


    1. It was strange to be back in a movie theater, but life goes on as we get back to normal again. Just another step.

  6. Totally agree; it was better than the first one, to be honest. We saw it Friday in our fancy theater and got a pitcher of beer. It was a nice time!

  7. Everybody I know who has seen it, loves it. We're hoping to go see it soon. We saw Downton Abbey a couple weeks ago and loved it! We love going to the theater!


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