Sunday, June 26, 2022

Summer Saturday in Florida


My favorite way to spend a summer Saturday is to start at the downtown Farmer’s Market and see where it takes me.  Sometimes I buy dinner ingredients based on what looks good and fresh, but since I already had dinner plans, my only purchase was an iced coffee.

Then my morning took shape, because the best spot to drink a coffee is a picnic table at the jetty.  It’s quite relaxing to just sit and watch the boats come in and out from the Gulf.  I then left my car parked and started a walk on the beach; not for the exercise, but to notice the changing color of the water on an overcast day, pick up a few shells and appreciate that I am able to do this on a whim.

It was a hazy day, but still hot of course, because a Florida summer just is, so when I returned home, a float in the pool was just the thing.  The pool water was refreshing and again, I appreciate every minute that I get to spend a Saturday morning going from the beach to the pool, living life in all the shades of blue.  Life is good in the hot summertime in Florida.


  1. So happy for you! Living the dream!!

  2. You are living our dream and I live vicariously through you. As long as we are taking care of Mom, our days of travel are considerably curtailed.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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