Thursday, June 9, 2022

Four Day Visit


I just got back to Florida from a four day trip to visit my daughter Melissa and help landscape the backyard of her new bungalow home. I love gardening so it’s easy for me and it saves them money too. With the help of her boyfriend, the three of us managed to dig out beds around their new patio, plant both there and along a back fence and clean up and water everything in just a few hours.  That left the rest of my time there for fun.  Including, spending time with their new puppy Winston, a mini long haired dachshund.  He is a cutie.

We also, had a lovely patio dinner at the country club they recently joined, where to my delight, perch was on the menu, a Michigan summer seafood staple.  Michigan summer nights, where a sweater is required, are quite a difference from the Florida evening humidity where being outside at night is not as pleasant.

A highlight, was a dinner on Monday with nine of my Michigan friends.  It still warms my heart that after five years away, I put out the call that I am in town, and they gladly make time to see me.  It still is my goal to get a girl’s trip to Florida in the books.

Otherwise, there was a lot of puppy cuddles and playtime as well as one on one catching up with Melissa. The landscape project was really only an excuse to visit and get that much needed mother daughter time.



  1. It looks like such a nice time with your daughter! Coming from Houston, I know just how refreshing those Michigan evenings must have felt!

    1. Just did a bit of outside work here and yes, I am definitely back in the heat and humidity lol.

  2. It sounds like such a lovely visit with your daughter. The gardening looks so nice and neat and dinner, delicious! I'm glad you still have all of your Michigan friends too. We're planning to go to Washington next month and see all of our friends. I can't believe we've been gone for an entire year.

  3. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time -- good fun with your daughter, the new house, dinner... So happy you had such a fun visit!

    1. Really enjoyed the Michigan style gardening too - picked the perennials I love.

  4. Sounds like you packed in a lot into those four days..Happy you had a nice visit..

  5. Sounds like a wonderful trip! I know you enjoyed seeing your daughter and your friends. Have a beautiful day, HUGS!

  6. I'm sure a break from the humidity was welcome. It is brutal here this week. And daughter time is always a good thing! I'm sure your green thumb was appreciated.

    1. I can always come up with an excuse to visit if it’s been too long😀


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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