Sunday, June 26, 2022

Summer Saturday in Florida


My favorite way to spend a summer Saturday is to start at the downtown Farmer’s Market and see where it takes me.  Sometimes I buy dinner ingredients based on what looks good and fresh, but since I already had dinner plans, my only purchase was an iced coffee.

Then my morning took shape, because the best spot to drink a coffee is a picnic table at the jetty.  It’s quite relaxing to just sit and watch the boats come in and out from the Gulf.  I then left my car parked and started a walk on the beach; not for the exercise, but to notice the changing color of the water on an overcast day, pick up a few shells and appreciate that I am able to do this on a whim.

It was a hazy day, but still hot of course, because a Florida summer just is, so when I returned home, a float in the pool was just the thing.  The pool water was refreshing and again, I appreciate every minute that I get to spend a Saturday morning going from the beach to the pool, living life in all the shades of blue.  Life is good in the hot summertime in Florida.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Guest Room Update - Beach Vibes


Sometimes it is the smallest inspiration that can lead you in decor decisions.  When doing an update on one of our guest rooms, I knew I wanted a beachy feel, so our guests would immediately know they had arrived in Florida.  Some things I already had on the walls, but wanted to tie it all together and the little surfboard sign with “beach vibes” written on it felt like what I was going for.

I like to mix all shades of blues and greens, just like the Gulf of Mexico.  It’s also a calm and cool palate after a day in the sun.  The queen bed is new (Pottery Barn) and has four storage drawers underneath, allowing me to not have a large dresser in a not so big room.  The light blue quilt and shams (Pottery Barn) have a subtle wave pattern and are quite lightweight, so more comfortable in our year around hot weather.  The end tables (Wayfair) have a coastal feel and have storage as well.  To tie all the colors and beach vibe theme together, I found the surfboard print (Minted for Pottery Barn) to hang above the bed.

I’m happy with the finished product and the overall feel of the room. Now, who will be the first guests to enjoy it?

Other sources, but old: lamps - Pier One, painted surfboard - Etsy, basket - Homegoods, Florida custom prints - Etsy

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Four Day Visit


I just got back to Florida from a four day trip to visit my daughter Melissa and help landscape the backyard of her new bungalow home. I love gardening so it’s easy for me and it saves them money too. With the help of her boyfriend, the three of us managed to dig out beds around their new patio, plant both there and along a back fence and clean up and water everything in just a few hours.  That left the rest of my time there for fun.  Including, spending time with their new puppy Winston, a mini long haired dachshund.  He is a cutie.

We also, had a lovely patio dinner at the country club they recently joined, where to my delight, perch was on the menu, a Michigan summer seafood staple.  Michigan summer nights, where a sweater is required, are quite a difference from the Florida evening humidity where being outside at night is not as pleasant.

A highlight, was a dinner on Monday with nine of my Michigan friends.  It still warms my heart that after five years away, I put out the call that I am in town, and they gladly make time to see me.  It still is my goal to get a girl’s trip to Florida in the books.

Otherwise, there was a lot of puppy cuddles and playtime as well as one on one catching up with Melissa. The landscape project was really only an excuse to visit and get that much needed mother daughter time.


Saturday, June 4, 2022

Top Gun Maverick Review

First, how great to be back in a movie theater for the first time in a long time.  And, this was the perfect movie to see on a big screen.  There has been a great renovation since our last visit to our local movie theater and it is very nice now with big, leather reclining seats, trays with cup holders and even a cocktail bar.

As for the movie, it was so good.  A perfect sequel to the original with a lot of references in both imagery and dialogue.  The focal point of the plot was Maverick’s past relationships with Goose and Ice, featuring a cameo by Val Kilmer and the strained relationship with Goose’s son.  

The action and fighter jet sequences left you on the edge of your seat, the romance with Jennifer Connelly had Jerry McGuire vibes and there were even a few tears shed by me in two touching scenes.  

And, Tom Cruise (despite his weirdness in real life) is a movie star with a capital M and still plays the part of Maverick to perfection with his trademark smile, cockiness and wit. Goose’s son, Rooster is perfectly cast and his introduction when he walks into the bar on base will have you saying wow.

It’s a feel good movie and who doesn’t need that right now.

Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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