Monday, April 11, 2022

Gasparilla Island Bike Adventure


Last Friday was a beautiful, but windy day for our latest bike adventure.  We headed about 45 minutes south to Gasparilla Island and Boca Grande with 3 other couples; a trip we last took in 2020 right before Covid shut us down.  It felt great to be back.

It’s a beautiful spot and a wonderful place to bike.  The mode of transportation on the island is primarily golf carts and bikes, so no traffic worries.  There are paved bike paths from one end to the other and it is fun to head to the restaurant on the most southern tip.  We take our time and stop along the way at the famous lighthouse and the pretty beaches.  The wind made for some big waves, which is always fun to see in the gulf.

We parked our bikes had a great lunch, right on the water at South Beach Bar and Grill.  My margarita sure tasted good after the pedaling. We headed back to town, riding against the wind and after that workout, treated ourselves to ice cream before we loaded up the bikes.  

I am not a fan of riding a bike on busy roads, but this kind of Florida biking, right along the gulf coast, is the best.

Happy Monday!


  1. It sounds like a lovely day. My legs wouldn't like it because I'm so out of shape, but it certainly would be good for me! :-) It's always fun to do things with friends. We sure miss our group in Spokane that we did things with. We're struggling to find people here to socialize with.

    1. The wind was quite strong, but I did it. Others had electric bikes, so they had it easier!

  2. What a fun time! My husband just got my bike up and running for me to ride:) Enjoy your day and weekend ahead, HUGS!

    1. I don’t ride mine on the busy roads, but it’s fun to take it to bike paths and good exercise😀


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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