Wednesday, March 16, 2022



Whenever I post a pretty beach or pool or blue sky photo on Instagram, I always use the hashtag #floridalife. I just think it perfectly describes this life of mine in the past five years since our empty nest move here.  It’s a lot of being outdoors, being on the water and mostly, being present in the moment and realizing how fortunate I am to have this lifestyle.

I often think about how fortunate I am to live this life everyday when I see the tourists enjoying their precious week in the sunshine.  There are many choices every day of what outdoor activity I can do, which walk along the coast I can take, or which course I want to golf on.  There is year round gardening and I can visit the plant nursery and plant something every week if I choose.  For someone who loves to get their hands in the dirt, it suits me.  It’s a relaxed vibe that means I wear flip flops everyday and bright Lilly colors are my norm.

It look a leap of faith to move here; far away from family and friends, but as we approach our five year anniversary of leaving Michigan, there are no regrets, only sunshine.


  1. Isn't it wonderful to look back over time and say "no regrets"? I'm so glad it has been a wonderful experience for you.

    1. It is! And I make sure that I see my girls quite often. Just a 2 hour flight away 😀

  2. You are blessed! We would love to do something similar, only with our camper. We had planned to retire this year, then travel for several years before settling down somewhere again. Unfortunately, with Mom's altzheimers, we will probably never get to live our dream. Someone has to care for her and then I fear we'll be too old to travel. Oh well, we have a good life and hopefully will be able to take some short trips in our camper.
    I love reading your posts about the florida life. Dennis's brother lives near Miami. It would be nice if we could get him to split the "Mom care" sometime and live his life for awhile. :-)

    1. Alzheimers is so cruel. Hopefully you can get some short trips away, because you need a break from being caregivers.

  3. We have been friends a long time and I remember this move. I admire you for jumping in and making a life in this beautiful spot! I can hear the happy in the words you wrote! Enjoy your day... I know you will! HUGS!

  4. Sounds pretty perfect to me!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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