Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Chilly Day for a Bridal Shower


When I was told that the bridal shower I was helping to host in Michigan (for my nephew’s fiancé) was rescheduled from October to the end of January, it was without a doubt going to be cold and snowy.  I would normally avoid leaving Florida for Michigan in January, but couldn’t miss this, so I packed my warmest cost, gloves and scarf and braved the below zero temperatures.  It was the coldest it had been there this winter, but while I was reminded why I moved to Florida, it was all lovely and fun and I was so happy to be there.

I ended up flying to Megan in Pittsburgh and helped her drive to Michigan both ways.  It’s not a long road trip at all and we had great conversations in the car.  We met Melissa for dinner on Friday at a great sushi restaurant and I couldn’t have been happier to be with them.

Saturday was busy and fun with bridal shower set up and the shower itself.  The location was the former lobby of a historic opera house with brick walls and wood floors, which fit the boho theme perfectly.  There were many beautiful details, the food was delicious and the bride to be (from Texas) was happy, so a great day.  My sister hosted an engagement mingle (delayed previously  by Covid of course) on Saturday night and it was really nice to catch up with friends and family.  The plan was to have a bonfire going outside, but it was too cold for that, even for hardy Michiganders.  

It’s important to me to attend these kind of family events even though it means a plane trip and I never regret it when I do.  


  1. How wonderful to be able to attend, (and even host), the bridal shower. These are such important things to every bride and I'm glad Covid hasn't interrupted all such fun things.
    Everyone is beautiful and the decorations and food are stupendous! I know everyone is thrilled at your extra effort to be there.

    1. I just refuse to miss family events if I can make it work.

  2. What a beautiful venue! So glad you got to spend time with family and friends and to fete the bride to be!

  3. Beautiful pictures! I know you had a great time with family and friends! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Looks lovely..I'm sure that they were happy that you were there..

  5. I just love how close you are with your girls! These times are our greatest gifts.

  6. It’s hard to all live in three states, but we make the most of our time together.

  7. I love the decorations for the shower!

    1. Thanks - was supposed to originally be in the fall, but I think it still worked in that space.

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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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