Friday, December 31, 2021

Top 3 Recipies 2021


As always, I like to end the year of blogging by looking back at the top recipes of the past year.  I was not surprised to see what recipe came in at number one, because I have had many people comment on either making it or wanting to make it.  I really need to make it again, because it is delicious.  I have also been told you can now find the pastries at other places besides Aldi if you are not an Aldi shopper.  

Happy New Year and may 2022 be peaceful and healthy for everyone.

1. Baked Aldi Pain au Chocolat French Toast

2. Easy Carrot Cake Muffins

3. My Try at the Trendy Tik Tok Pasta



  1. I remember these! Don't you love your favorite top recipes?!! Happy New Year!

  2. I must try that chocolate pastry!! We don’t have Auldi but maybe I can try the regular croissant. Sound delicious and would be quick dessert for an evening with friends!!!

  3. YUM, now I am hungry:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    1. Trying to start the year healthy, but lots of days ahead to make yummy food. Happy New Year!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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