Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Glow Ride


Those of you that live in a neighborhood with an HOA know there can be both negatives and positives.  The Glow Ride organized by our social committee is definitely one of the positives.  This year was the biggest yet, and really the first large community wide event, post covid.  I’m sure the newer residents had no idea how vibrant our community could be and it was lovely to see.

I hosted a stop on the route with a neighbor and we went all out with jello shots, a festive cocktail and lots of food.  We had Santa and Mrs. Claus serving and mingling with all the other Santas too.  The bikes and golf carts were decorated with lights and it was a beautiful sight to see them coming down the street on a warm Florida evening, with a full moon shining too.

It has been a busy, but fun stretch of pre Christmas activities for me and once I put together the table for my golf group’s Christmas breakfast this morning when I arrive at the course, I can take a breather before the real festivities begin.  

Merry Christmas to all!



  1. It looks like a lot of fun! You sure have a busy social life down there. Here, I hibernate in the house.

  2. That looks like it was a blast!!!! My homeowners these days seems to just make things pretty miserable-and I am on the board - lol. Happy holidays

    1. It’s a great event. Very much needed as we just went through HOA elections which were filled with drama.

  3. Oh what fun you all are having! Looks like a great time and so festive! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Looks like fun!! Merry Christmas..all the best to you in 2022

  5. This looks like so much fun! Good adult fun! Is this a 60 and over community? We don’t have too many of those on Long Island , but I could get used to that.

    1. No all ages, but since it’s Florida many older and retired.

  6. That sounds just delightful! Have a very merry Christmas!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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