Saturday, October 9, 2021

Making a Difference


When I first moved to Florida and wasn’t quite acclimated, I saw a bunch of volunteers in downtown Venice spreading mulch in the median.  My first thought was, I should do that someday.  Fast forward to now and because of my weekly volunteering for Venice Area Beautification, I will be helping on National Make a Difference Day and am even a team captain for a group of volunteers.  We will be spreading mulch in a city park and generally cleaning up and making it look pretty. Being involved in my city is important to me and using my gardening skills is the perfect fit.

And because that wasn’t enough, (I’m crazy, I know) there was a volunteer opportunity to join the horticulture team at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens (Spanish Point Campus) and it felt like a great way to experience a beautiful setting and also meet people a bit further a field in Sarasota.  It has been very rewarding, because help is definitely needed and I feel like I am making a difference.  I especially enjoy arriving in the morning before this historical campus is open to the public and when it is so peaceful.  The early morning Gulf views are a major perk too. The past two Saturdays I have been weeding a butterfly garden and how great is that for a work location?

I’m not sure where this volunteerism in me started, but it’s something I have done my whole adult life and find it extremely rewarding.  You also meet the friendliest like minded people who aren’t afraid of a little hard work.


  1. Keep on KVB with your volunteers efforts.
    There is something different that happens in me with
    putting myself out there to be of help.
    Wherever and whatever it is.
    The gardening to help make your city/home beautiful is wonderful.
    I have so much gardening here at home, I need to choose a sitting down
    volunteer project. I am thinking of being a Cradle Mom at the hospital.
    Sounds cuddly to me! ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ

  2. Great job Vicki. Don't you feel the world would be a better place if everyone volunteered somewhere, somehow. Looking outside of yourself even in a small way makes you so aware of the world.
    My volunteering has taken many paths over the years, starting as a candy striper at the hospital when I was 13 and has never really stopped. In fact, just yesterday I went to the University of Nebraska Medical Center and picked up my volunteer badge. It was one of the first things I applied for when I got here in April. Things are taking awhile to process because of Covid, so it's taken awhile to get through the sytem. Meanwhile, I've already been knitting and crocheting items to donate to them. I'll also work somewhere in the hospital where I'm needed when restrictions are lifted.

  3. Oh, and for Lynne, my sister has been a "Grandma baby rocker" in the NICU for years and loves it. She has been unable to go for over 18 months because of Covid and she's missing "her babies" something terrible. Go for it.

  4. Good for you!! I'm with Lynne...A sitting down volunteer job for me too..

    1. I come home dirty and sweaty and my husband laughs at me…maybe I need to rethink this lol.

  5. Sounds like perfect ways to spend days, volunteers are special people! Enjoy your day dear friend, we finally have FALL weather where I am. HUGS!

    1. I have been in Michigan and it is freezing. Can’t wait to fly back to some warm, sunny days!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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