Thursday, July 22, 2021

Pittsburgh Weekend In Photos


We had so much fun visiting my daughter and son in law in their beautiful city this past weekend.  It was my husband’s first visit to their new home that they closed on last year, right before covid, so overdue for him. They live a bit north of the city, but we made our way downtown to both the Riverfront/North Shore and the Strip District enjoying some delicious food and fun drinks at all our stops.  A big surprise was a spur of the moment meet up with our niece and boyfriend who were passing through from Chicago to D.C.  

The rainy weather on Saturday did not stop us and we enjoyed sitting in the cute Allegheny Overlook Pop-Up Park located on the river with views of the baseball stadium and the bridges.  The day wouldn’t have been completely Pittsburgh style without a Primanti sandwich, fries right inside.  Sunday was a pretty day for walking around the funky Strip District and lunch at Coop de Ville.  We ate southern style chicken sandwiches, watched the final holes of the British Open and played a few games of duck bowling.

They have a lovely home and we enjoyed being there and having them show off their home, their city and their cutie dog too.

Happy Thursday!


  1. What a grand time you had! I'm so glad you all had this time together. We had Minnesota family visit this week and it was wonderful to catch up on 30 years apart.

  2. Looks like a fun visit! Have a great weekend!


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