Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How I Stay Grounded


I posted this on my IG stories, because it really spoke to me.  My personality is quite calm, but there are certain things that keep me that way and maybe this list which is pretty spot on, will help you too.  Obviously, not working full time, or having young children or teens at home makes my days less stressful than many, but we all need touchstones in our daily life that keep us grounded.  Out of this list, I have highlighted a few that I can’t do without.


I live in Florida, so soaking up the sunshine is a way of life.  Having lived in Michigan for a good portion of my life, with it’s gray winter days, I can see the difference living in the Sunshine State makes in mood and lifestyle.

Whole Foods

As I have gotten older, there is a noticeable difference in how I feel based on how healthy I eat.  I rarely eat fast food, do not consume any caffeine and do my best to eat a balanced diet.  As a dietetic, portion control is my mantra.


I used to be a night owl and exist on very little sleep.  My diabetes is hereditary, but not getting enough sleep can be a trigger.  Now, I rarely stay up past midnight.  Again, a stress free lifestyle makes a lot of difference, but a healthy lifestyle is the key.


I love to walk and soak in nature whether it is on the beach or on a trail.  When I lived in Michigan, walking in the snow was my favorite thing.  Gardening is also a big part of my life and getting my hands in the dirt or wandering around a plant nursery are what I consider therapy.


I discovered yoga about ten years ago and haven’t looked back. When I had a knee injury and couldn’t practice yoga, it showed me how important if is to move.  And, having graduated from physical therapy last week, with my strength and range of motion back, I am doing what I love.  And, out of all the exercises my PT gave me, yoga was by far the best for building strength and flexibility.  I  also play golf regularly and like I mentioned walk every day.


This started with my move and inevitable downsizing four years ago, and it is now a way of life.  I am determined to never accumulate so many things again and donation is happening regularly.  A cluttered home equals a cluttered mind for me.

Future Planning

I love to be home, but also love to make plans.  Whether it is a day trip or plane travel, new experiences are good for your mental health and to keep you from getting in a rut.  There is always a new adventure on the horizon and we live in the perfect place and have the perfect lifestyle to take advantage of it.  

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I like your list and many of them are also mine. Reading the Bible and prayer are top of mine.

  2. Your list works for me too, plus I would add Jesus and church as essential for my daily life as they bring me joy and peace.

  3. I'm with Betsy and Terra, reading the Word every day and spending time with the Lord are my two main things for keeping me grounded. I still work outside the home and my job is very stressful. I can tell when it's time for me to stop for a day or two and just focus on me. This list is a good reminder to take care of myself on a regular basis!

  4. Great list! I think I will make one. I never stay up late, staying on a routine is best for my sleep. I have been thinking about yoga. My muscles in my lower back could benefit from it, possibly. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. You will be amazed at how good it feels to stretch. Just take it slow.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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